Hello Splinterland Warriors!

How are you all? I hope you are blessed and well every day. In today's post, I will share a Gladius monster from the Death Splinter, which I have turned to level 4 now and opened four Gladius packs.



KKOTRIPHUS BAYNE is a rare death monster from the Gladius edition with rare rarity with bloodlust ability by birth in all Gladius cards so i made a mistake of not burning this card at the right time when it was available for burning to DEC within the Splinterlands. Still, i left these cards for battles because of its upgraded version so today i turned this card to level 4 and soon the level 5 level will be unlock. Still, the time has gone and now it is only available for burning against merits. After that, I got so many BCX and almost another level 3 can be form now after that update of turning the Gladius cards to merits via burning. However, i want the retaliate ability from this card which is not far away and one more level upgrade will required.



Well, here is the packs opening of Gladius that you can where i got some good cards including rare and common ones but no epic or legendary card this time in the last packs i got one legendary and few epics cards which i shared but this time only rare and common cards and these are also good because i can easily upgrade the rare cards now to some specific levels like level 4 and level 5 i will check out the collection and will find the cards which can be upgraded like today i picked up a card KKOTRIPHUS BAYNE which is upgraded to level 4 and still some BCX available in my collection that i will use for next upgradation.


Here are some more cards you can see i opened 4 packs the two packs are above where i got some rare and common cards and the two packs results are here where you can see only two rare cards in each pack one card i got so all these cards are already upgraded to level 5 from the common monsters and the rare one from death Splinter is upgraded to level 4 today while the next turn is for the Sarius a fire monster from the Gladius edition with rare rarity so will play next brawl where i will get some merits and some i will have from the loot chests of different draws soon i will share it after the next brawl.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Best Regards @moeenali
