
Hello Splinterland Warriors!

Here we go for another week of Battle challenges with a New Ruleset HEALED OUT (All healing abilities are removed) means that the monsters or summoners will not be able to restore their heal so i have a battle with this ruleset in low mana and little league where i got a battle with death splinter so you can watch it below by clicking on the battle link.






In the battle lineup, I will explain all the cards used in this battle with death splinter i used the Chaos Legion edition summoner while my enemy went for the Beta edition level 4 summoner so you can see the lineup order i placed in this battle below and can watch this battle from above link.


THADDIUS BROOD was one of my first ever upgraded chaos legion summoners from the modern edition which i bought by selling one legendary untamed edition summoner Mimosa Night Shade and added a few Bucks with it and bought a level 5 version of the latest edition summoner with almost $40+ investment but now the worth of this summoner is only $24 so i lost $16 or more but on the other hand i won some battles using this summoner so no compliment it will worth more in the future as like other summoners and cards from the old editions.



In the First position, i went for a common card from the chaos legion edition which i have at level 5 bought it recently after upgrading the death summoner and then invest some DEC which i earned from the rental income and upgrade this card for the Backfire ability which works fine and you can see in this battle how the backfire works for me and killed an enemy monster and it also gains one life when a monster dies it has high speed and flying ability so this is one is a great card in the little league ruleset.

In the second position, i went for SHADOW SNITCH which is also a common monster from the Death Splinter of chaos legion edition which works as a melee attack and can attack from the 2nd position because of its reach-ability so this card works fine in my all battle but here the ruleset was healed out so i did not use this card to apply affliction ability on enemy monster but because of its high health and reach ability i used this card which i bought recently but the value of this card is down also.

In the third position, i went for an epic monster from the Rewards edition with Stun ability and it works well in low mana battles all the time i am using this lineup in most of my battles when there is a ruleset of little league so here i used this card which i recently upgraded to level 4 for its immune ability and it works fine for me when there is a ruleset of poison i am using this card with Harklaw legendary reward card from death Splinter current worth of this card is $2 which is down while i got some from the Rewards and bought rest of the BCX for upgrading this card to level 4.

In the next position, i went for another reward card from the Death Splinter which cost 4 mana cap and can attack from any position with its magic and applies the poison ability at level 4 i upgraded this card to level 4 by combining 25 BCX and got 50+ BCX from the rewards edition so this card did well and applies the poison ability on the enemy team here while i have two versions of level 4 one i am using and the other one is for rent.

Another low mana monster from the Chaos Legion edition which cost only 3 mana and has the life leech ability with two magic at a further level so i bought this card with almost a $5 investment recently and now the price of this card went down but i am using it now in my battles before it was rented out and now i am using it in my battles which works fine.

In the last position, i used a beta edition rare monster TWISTED JESTER with a ranged attack which works fine with its powerful range attack which cost 4 mana but gives us a nice powerful range attack i used this card in the last position because it has some nice speed which attack quickly and target the backline enemy team with its snipe ability.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Best Regards @moeenali
