Street Vendors On The Beach And Beach Visitors


Halo sahabat semuanya, apa kabar kalian pada hari ini dan mudah-mudahan kita semua masih dalam keadaan sehat dan dapat mengikuti aktivitas dengan lancar.

Pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini saya ingin menampilkan kembali beberapa tampilan gambar yang menarik yang telah disiapkan. Ada dua momen gambar yang saya tunjukkan pada hari ini yang pertama adalah gambar dari masyarakat-masyarakat yang berjualan di pinggir pantai dengan menggunakan kendaraan mereka dan untuk tampilan gambar yang kedua yaitu gambar dari masyarakat-masyarakat pengunjung pantai yang Menikmati keindahan pantai.

Sebelum saya melanjutkan ke pembahasan tentang gambar yang sudah saya siapkan ada baiknya terlebih dahulu saya mengucapkan kata-kata penghormatan saya untuk sahabat semuanya dimanapun berada dan mudah-mudahan yang terbaik selalu untuk kita semua. Baiklah sahabat semuanya Mari kita lihat gambar-gambar yang telah saya siapkan.

For those who sell around or who sell from their vehicles, of course they really choose the beach as their selling place on holidays or in the afternoon when lots of visitors come. Tanjung visitors here also like to shop for food and drinks brought by traveling traders like them. Because after they buy food from these traveling traders, of course they can immediately relax on the beach and enjoy the food they have bought while looking at the beautiful views.

For the second image display that I want to show, there are images of visitors to the beach enjoying the beauty of the beach. People like to take photos on the beach and people also like to enjoy the beauty of the beach. The beach is a beautiful place and is liked by many people and usually in the area where we live here many visitors visit the beach on holidays or in the afternoon when they have nothing to do.

OK, friends, those are some of the pictures that I can show you today and hopefully with some of these pictures we can make all of these friends and make them beautiful for us all. Thank you to all my friends who have given me encouragement and opportunities and see you again later in my next post.

Note, the words I wrote in this article are in Indonesian, and I first wrote them in the smartphone notes application section. Then to translate into English I used Google's help.

PhotographyRandom Image
Camera UsedCanon
Model600 D
LocationAceh, Indonesia


About me

My full name is Muhammad Nur, many friends at Platform Hive call me Mnurhiver. I am from Indonesia. I was born in 1996 and now I work to serve in a government agency in the fisheries section. Apart from serving in a Government agency, I am also a full time content creator. Photography is one of my hobbies and almost every day I look for moments to take photos. The Hive Platform helps my life needs a lot and I am very grateful for this and thank my seniors and friends.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @mnurhiver
