Insect Macro Photography
This insect looks like a mix between a bee and a wasp, at some point I was able to identify it but cant seem to recall its name. I believe it is feasting on the nectar of this flower and I remember this bug was almost just hanging here not moving very much. It would shift a little bit as if to get a better position then be still again for a while. If anyone knows what this insect is called feel free to comment below.
Nikon D750 1/250 sec. f/9 ISO-100 at 60mm
Nikon D750 1/250 sec. f/9 ISO-100 at 60mm
Nikon D750 1/250 sec. f/9 ISO-100 at 60mm
I don't know what this insect is called, but it looks like the kind that would ruin your day if you got too close :)
It's such a beautiful flowers who attracts people attention to see.