Everything happens for a reason;my unsuccessful pregnancy!


Do you believe the saying "Everything happens for a reason"?I truly believe this saying ,there are many things that we want in our lives but it did'nt happens ,but there are also things that we are not enjoy expecting it to happen.

Good day motherhood community
What's up everyone?I hope you are all doing good today.

I don't know what to feel right now,I feel sad but about what happened to my pregnancy but in the other side ,I know there's a reason why it is happen.

It was April when I feel worried when my monthly period did'nt come,I feel worried thinking many things so I did a pregnancy test but the result is negative.Until the month of May was done and still did'nt have my period again so I decided to take another pregnancy test and the result was negative ,I am pregnant.

I feel worried but I keep reminding my self to trust God about it ,accept it as it's a big blessings from God.I keep praying to have a healthy baby and a successful delivery soon.

When I learned that I am pregnant I did my prenatal on the last week of June.I had already taken some vitamins and ate the cookies for pregnant given by the midwife to me in where I have my prenatal.

July 20 when I feel something on my private part and I was not wrong with what I am thinking ,I had some spotting .I was thinking it just a normal spotting as what I experienced from my past two pregnancy.

But then after 2 days of spotting ,it became a heavy flow and I was bleeding.

I waited for the money we lend to continue our house coz I am going to spend some amount of it for my check-up to an OB-GYN.

So yesterday at 8 in the morning I went to an OB-GYN for check-up.
A lot of patients was there ,I am at the no.7 of the patients but some patients came which they prioritize as they are the patients that was not able to accommodate on the last day.

I waited for 6 hours ,imagine the time I spend waiting for too long and not feeling comfortable.I am having a headache and feel stress as I was lack of sleep from the other night.



I even did'nt feels hungry but I really feel tired but I need to sacrifice its for my self and for my pregnancy.

Until I was called and the OB-GYN started asking my problem.

I undergone transvaginal ultrasound .Anyway I am 3 months pregnant and there the result was no baby was found on my womb but my mattress looks like after having a miscarriage.

The doctor prescribe some medicines to take for 10days and I will have to go for a follow up check up on August 3.



I need some sugar test on my next visit to that clinic.

I keep praying that there's no complication .

I feel sad but we need to accept what was happened.
