As a mom ,it makes me feel weak!


Good day motherhood community!!!
What's up everyone?I hope you are all doing good today.

Whenever one of my kids get sick ,it makes me feel sick and weak too but I keep reminding myself to keep stronger as my kids needed me .


Saturday morning ,my husband's niece came with her family and brought an inflatable pool.She's planning to have a get together with our family here and she brought some food too.

My kids are so happy and excited knowing that they can have swimming.They patiently waiting until the inflatable pool will be full of water.


They started swimming around 1 pm after our lunch ,and my youngest son did'nt want to stop swimming even if his lips turns purple and his hands looks that he feels so cold.Eveb his mouth is like shaking because of cold.Maybe he takes 3hours of swimming .

During our dinner ,he complains that his stomach is in pain, so I put some liniment oil and he feels better after.

Sunday's morning I wake them up around 7 in the morning as we were going to church but then he complains about his painful stomach ,so I decided that we will not going to church but then he said that the pain was gone ,so we went to church that time.

After attending the holy mass ,he feels weak and he suffered a diarrhea,so I gave him a medicine for it ,just a few hour he feels better and did'nt poop anymore.
But at night he got fever so I gave him a medicine for fever .

Monday morning ,he wakes up late with his usually time of waking up every morning and when he get up he ask for water ,he seems looks so thirsty and a free minutes he vomited.

Everytime he put something in hi mouth ,he vomited.

I feel so worried about his condition and I thought he will be fine on that day but then the night came ,he did'nt want to eat and keep vomiting.I feel so worried and scared about him.

So Tuesday morning ,I decided to take him to the hospital but then my husband told me that I will consult him to a doctor first so I followed my husband decision.

Around 8:30 in the morning, we arrived the clinic in the next town and waited for an hour until we are called.Good thing that only few patients was there when we came.


So the doctor advices me to get a dengue test for my son ,so we went to the nearly hospital for a laboratory test for my son.Amd waited for 30 minutes to get the result.


While waiting for the result ,I keep praying that the result will be negative.Honestly we don't have enough money incase my son will be admitted in the hospital but we don't have choice if ever it will positive in dengue we will have to save my son's life .I feel happy that the result is negative.
So we went back to the clinic after we got the result.


The prescribe an antibiotic for my son and a medicine for his tummy so he won't vomit .


Around 11 in the morning we go home ,my son feels weak and tired and take nap when he got home.I feel worried coz he did'nt eat lunch ,good thing that a few minutes of forcing him to eat ,he drinks milk and eat a little piece of biscuits.


He even does'nt want someone talk to him even me ,he will not response he keeps lying on the bed and looks weak and tired.

After he takes some medicine he feels better ,praying for his continues healing.


It's not easy when some of our family member got sick especially our child ,everytime he cries calling my "mama " I can't hold my tears looking at him looks pity.
Praying that he will totally fine now🙏


Hola mamita, me identifique totalmente. La verdad cuando unos de nuestros pequeños enferman son procesos que vivimos junto a ellos en todo sentido, espero que tu hijo mejore en nombre de Dios y con mucha fe. Se que Dios te seguirá fortaleciendo y sanando a tu pequeño. Saludos!
