Gemino | holozing community
Hello guys, I hope you all are feeling well.
I am very busy these days because I have papers for the first time in college. I want to give a really good paper because, as they say, "First impressions are last impressions." I want my teachers to know that I am a dedicated and serious student.
I have been spending long hours in the library, researching and taking notes. I have also been meeting with my teachers to get feedback on my outline and draft. It is been a challenging but rewarding experience.
As I work on my paper, I am reminded of the importance of hard work and perseverance. I know that if I put in the effort, I will be able to produce a paper that I can be proud of.
But now I am very stressed from studying, so I need something for relaxation. I have been putting in long hours to prepare for my exams, and it's taking a toll on my mental and physical health.
I decide to take a break and do something I love sketching. I have always been fascinated by the way a blank page can transform into a work of art with just a few strokes of a pencil.
I grab my sketchbook, pencils, and eraser, and find a quiet spot to sit and relax. Then I think what I make today. After while I decided to make a gemino. As I start sketching, I feel my tension ease.
So let's start making it.
Firstly, I draw the face with it's features.
I have start making the body of gemino. Then I have also start making the arm and leg. I have added details in the whole body.
Then, I outline the whole character with the help of black pointer.
I have added the base colours to the rough sketch. I have used bright colours in the character as bright colours looks more attractive. I have filled orange colour in face . Then colour in the arm and legs with orange colour.
Then I have added dark brown colours in the base area of the character.
Then I have added colours in the further body.
After that , I shading the character with different colours and designings. Till this step my main character was ready.
Here's the final look:
This is the original character:
I hope you will like it .
Allah Hafiz and take care.