Hey, All Minimalists,
Our #TravelLightTuesday theme is now active!
We've expanded it over the entire week to allow more time for you to share your relevant story.
What's the significance of Travel Light Tuesday?
The more you carry with you, the more difficult your journey becomes.
Travelling light means something different, depending on who's making the journey. It can be related to actual travel practices (i.e. minimalist packing hacks, three items you can't travel without etc.). But it can also refer to other types of journeys.
That's what #TravelLightTuesday is about - whether you want to share a neat packing hack, or want to get something off your chest, now's your moment.
Participation Guidelines
We are (as you can probably tell) a pretty live-and-let-live community around here. However, we have a couple of minor rules to promote healthy engagement.

So, with these pointers in mind, why not be creative?
Can you speak from the heart and make an effort by presenting original quality photos that relate to your story and that have never been posted on the blockchain before?
If yes, we'd be happy to hear from you. :)
If not, Foxtrot Oscar! 🤗
Also, please observe our general community rules.

The photos belong to millycf1976 and were both manipulated using Canva