Hey, All Minimalists,

Our #SlowlivingSunday theme is now active!

We've expanded it over the entire week to allow more time for you to share your relevant story.

What exactly is Slow Living Sunday?

We live in an ever-shifting, evolving society that can be (and often is) a thrilling adventure. However, now more than ever, many of us find ourselves struggling with inexplicable anxieties. Time just seems to... slip away from us.

Some days, you wake up, and before you know it, it's time to go back to bed again, with you struggling to single out one memorable or truly enjoyable moment from the entire day.

One of the reasons minimalism is so important to us is that it encourages you to take time to make time. It's an invitation to turn down the constant noise of the world and just focus on what's right in front of you.

Forget what you said yesterday or where you'll go tomorrow; who are you right now?

So, for #SlowLivingSunday, we want to hear about how you keep calm, relax, and find peace in a chaotic, loud, hectic environment. We all know that a surprising number of so-called relaxing hobbies (socialising at fancy, loud restaurants, going to the mall, or taking needlessly expensive Insta-worthy trips) can be quite nerve-wracking. This is why slow living—this ability to dial it back and enjoy the simplicity of this present moment—is at the core of minimalism.
So, tell us! How do you relax and encourage calm and peacefulness? What makes your day (Sunday or not) beautiful and worth enjoying?

Participation Guidelines

We are (as you can probably tell) a pretty live-and-let-live community around here. However, we have a couple of minor rules to promote healthy engagement.


So, with these pointers in mind, why not be creative?

Can you speak from the heart and make an effort by presenting original quality photos that relate to your story and that have never been posted on the blockchain before?

If yes, we'd be happy to hear from you. :)
If not, Foxtrot Oscar! 🤗

Also, please observe our general community rules.

The Minimalist Community Rules-3.jpg

The photos belong to millycf1976 and were both manipulated using Canva


It is very true that we must take time for the weather. It is not easy to fight against the anxiety generated by a world that advances at the speed of light, however, it is possible to lessen our worries and find that refuge that recharges us with energy.

Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to do therapy every week with these fascinating proposals 🎊💫🌻


I just kept smiling while reading through this. Right now, I have so much noise coming from every angle and I’m seriously trying out different ways to keep my cool.

I’m definitely going to share how I try to do that. Thanks for this. ❤️


OK I messed up somehow. You said to put #slowlivingsunday as the first tag. When on Ecency app, it makes the community the first tag, so I deleted that and put #slowlivingsunday as the first tag. And instead of putting it in this group, where I went to post, it just didn't post it in this group at all! And now I don't know how to get it in here without completely deleting it and reposting. :/
I am in the brain fog today, I guess. Anyway, I did do a post for this topic, and it is here:
