It's More or Less the Best

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The Minimalist community presents It's More or Less the Best, a curation compilation highlighting some outstanding blogs published over the past week.

These selected authors shared their personal stories and views on different aspects of their minimalist lifestyle, giving some insight into what the style of living involves.

This compilation is presented to help shine the spotlight on the selected posts, with the hope that you will take a look at them in case you missed any.

Outstanding Minimalists Blogs in no particular order.

Living Mindfully


✨"To take a breath, a deep breath in and feel my presence. To take in my surroundings, to be fully aware. As though time itself stops, momentarily. All of these, help one to be more connected, to the environment, and themselves. That to me, is what is most important. Feeling connected to life, feeling alive. " @trucklife-family

Living in harmony will always be more!


✨"In the cleaning of areas near us that we have recovered we found several rubbers, which we washed and painted and we placed scraps of wood from other projects as legs to use in our Agro cafe, for the top we also used an old construction board that a neighbour discarded and for our tables more construction boards. " @cvnuitter

Another Tiny Home


✨"Being in this tiny space makes me feel held. It's a little womb room that closes around me protectively when I need to sleep, cry, stare out the window and lean into what's coming. For two months I don't have to pay bills, work, travel, to do anything apart from just be here as Dad prepares to leave us for good. As he struggles for breath, I breathe deeper, letting long slow exhalations out into the sky to make room for the strength I'll need as we go. " @riverflows

A 7 Years Of minimalism in 1500 words or less.....

✨"A part of my minimalist brain told me that I should not buy things because it would be a waste but another part of me told me that to live a convenient life and long-term, I have to make the space comfortable. My brain battled between spending my last penny on another adventure versus fixing the house and investing a bit in it." @macchiata

Looking Good Is Easy.

✨"One day I pondered on a solution to all of that and it turned out that I had to consider the capsule wardrobe which was investing more in timeless, quality and versatile outfits rather than accumulating just any kind of outfit." @amiegeoffrey

The Burden of Excess

✨"You know how you pack for a journey, and then, at the end of the journey, you think to yourself, "I didn't even use most of these things." Yes, that happened yet again to me, and it cost me a lot of money. The stress and money that I could have avoided spending made me realise how peaceful it can be to just stick with what's truly necessary and meaningful." @olujay

Please check out our updated community rules for a more enjoyable time in the community.

Some additional tips

🔸 The community encourages authors to engage and build rapport with other team members by leaving meaningful comments.

🔸 If possible we recommend that authors try to use original photos taken by you. Photos count toward the possibility of your post being curated.

🔸 Just a reminder that the weekly #KISS Blog Ideas is presented with ideas on topics to write about and to help you to structure your blogs, they are not meant to be questionnaires for you to list information and publish.

🔸 The presentation of your blog goes a long way and sharing aspects of your lives and your personal stories and experiences should be a lot more than a list that can be found in various places over the web.

🔸 You do not need to wait or only blog in response to the prompts provided. You're free to share any aspect of your minimalist lifestyle at any time.

Thank you for checking out the #MoreOrLessTheBest Curation Compilation presented by The Minimalist. This is the new official community account, where the weekly #KISS Blog Ideas and all community events and activities will be published.
I invite you all to get involved and share your stories about minimalism, and perhaps you would like to invite someone.

About The Minimalist community

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Thank you for visiting, Milly:) @millycf1976

Community Founder & Admin


Find The Minimalist Community Here on Hive

Cover photo belongs to Milly


Hey glad to be here and share my experiences with @minimalistliving .Thanks @millycf1976!!💚💚💚


You're very welcome.
It's great to read about happenings in your minimalist world:)
Happy Sunday!


It's our pleasure and we do appreciate your great content.
Have a lovely day, and see you around:)

Image belongs to millycf1976
