No Sleep


Maybe a week ago I commented on someone's writing wondering how she was awake for straight 48 hours perhaps. I forgot the exact number but I was really surprised by the duration. How can someone be like that without being a zombie? Well, I got the answer as I had broken my previous record of being awake.

The day before yesterday went smoothly, it was the night when I usually struggle to fall asleep. So it was getting late at night, nothing to be surprised about as it's a regular thing for me to go to sleep in the last quarter of the night. Same happened, but on that day the only difference was that I was suffering from a headache and had no painkillers around me except the only available option, a cup of coffee. Yeah, I had a cup of coffee at midnight, it was a habit in the past that I don't practise anymore.


📸 Ihor Malytskyi

The clock is ticking and I am nowhere near going to bed, I am enjoying the company of watching documentaries. Around 5.00 a.m.I went to bed without any urge to fall asleep. I went there and tried to close my eyes. To be honest, I was stressed by lots of things that night which was the reason for that headache, and now that I am calm again, all of those thoughts started to appear before me, once again. Forced me into bed to fall asleep but no luck, just the thoughts that were troubling me over and over again.

In the meantime, It was time for our morning prayers. Prayers always give us peace of mind so I got up to attend my prayers and then after completing it, I was convinced that these thoughts aren't going to leave me for today. Instead of sleeping, I sat again on my pc to try to mitigate some of those thoughts and devoted some time to something productive so that the time is not wasted. Yeah, I didn't sleep and went back to my pc. The only place that gives me some peace no matter if I am doing something productive or wasting my time.

My mom was surprised to see me awake early in the morning, she didn't say much and I got the opportunity to have my breakfast around 8.00 am. After an eternity I am having my breakfast so early in the morning instead of my usual 12.00 pm routine. No, I can't sleep during the daytime, not habitable to such sleeping and I must have some tea and coffee during the day to keep me active as usual. And the rest of the day is spent like a regular day. No sign of sleep, just the body was getting tired and I pushed it with coffee. My mind was active so there was no way that the body could lag behind.

And it kept continuing, the day passed as usual, and at night I was sleepless again despite not having any sleep last night. I could see myself turning into a zombie if I don't get proper sleep now. I still lack that. What a dilemma! What I did was I drained my phone battery and went to bed, soon after a few moments I got rid of my sleepless zombie mood and fell asleep. That's how I broke my sleepless hour record and set a new high for the coming days to break again.


In my case my best record of stay wake is approximately 32 hours and it was after the time of test examination of HSC. The time I was busy in my study and for that reason I was awake but I think it's not a healthy thing for anyone.
Current time I always try to go to sleep within 1.00 a.m.

Are you a zoombie or not? What do you think 😅?


Current time I always try to go to sleep within 1.00 a.m.

Great, far better than me.
Last year I tried to change this habit of mine, all it takes is a few days to return to the previous one. Currently, 3.00 am is the minimum bar.

Yeap, you can call me one. 🙂


Currently, 3.00 am is the minimum bar.

It take times but it's not impossible. We just need to be determined to make it possible. I think using smartphones or laptop is the main reason not to go to sleep early and if it's same in you guess then I suggest you to control the using of those devices.


Yeah, it's the same but I have no way to escape from them. 😕
Need a bigger cause to bring that change and here I am waiting for that.
