My Jewels | Creative Nonfiction


The tag 'friend' is widely used but how many of them truly hold the value of a friend is a question but trust me I can relate that value around me, not many in numbers but only a few which means thousands of times better than the fake ones.


📸 roya ann miller

It was 2018, and I was mentally down and that was hampering my physical condition too. Something terrible happened, everything was dark around me, and I was clueless about what to do next, and what should be my next move. Even that situation could have led me to suicidal tendencies but fortunately someone stood beside me. Started to heal me, I was afraid to step into the same phase again, was afraid to be broken but that person didn't leave my side, stood beside me almost like a guardian angel. Surprisingly that guardian angel is still beside me, and didn't leave my side, now even closer than before, melting my heart that was turned into a stone, slowly I am starting to bloom again. What more can you ask from a friend? Isn’t it the best virtue you can expect who will be able to heal, care, and make you alive again?

It's always your bad time when you get to find your actual friends. It was 202, when I faced one of my difficult times, my mother was sick and hospitalised, I had to run here and there continuously. At that moment, I got to know a few friends too. Not that I was in need of their help desperately but it still matters. It used to bug me, used to pinch me that where are they about whom I cared so much but aren't around me on my down times. One was there, calling me three times a day to ask about the ongoing situation, asking me to take his aid whenever I needed even if it was very tiny. Actually, it wasn’t the help he was capable of but it was the willingness that he showed which strengthened my willpower to cope with the situation twice more as I knew someone is there whom I can ask for help without any hesitation even if it was midnight. Isn't this what friendship actually is? If not then what's left there? Please enlighten me.

To me, friendship is the rush of people where everyone is in a hurry with themselves but still you would see some hands holding and guiding you even in such a mess. Oh yeah, I met such a rush over and over again, funneled most of them, and only a few left. The biggest cutoff was done in 2019 when I faced the biggest stumble in my academic career, scars that are still visible to me. Many of us stumbled and many got past that situation, with time their behavior also started to change. As we all know, 'Change is life, change is progress.' so they were changing too because of the progress where I wasn’t included, felt like I was left out and so did I consoled myself with whatever I was left behind. And trust me, those gems I mentioned above were more than enough for me to stay strong and move forward even stronger.

Short and precise because no matter how long I try to describe it will be nowhere close to defining the friendship value I got to cherish. So if you are interested to write on this week's Nonfiction Creative writing prompt theme of friends then go through the Announcement Post and jump in the ride, its very enjoyable .


The power of just being there for someone is immeasurable! It is wonderful to hear of the times friends appeared when you needed them most. Sometimes, simply knowing that there is help available can carry us through dark situations. Your title says it all, these types of friends are true jewels!

This is a nice read, however we believe it could be an exceptional one with a bit more time. Although this article is geared towards fiction writing, there are resources and helpful tips within for any piece! We hope you will find use of it as you build your love of writing. Thank you for sharing your story with us, and for engaging with other members of the community.


I'm really thankful for the recommendations you have given. I have gone through them and found them really helpful, Story Arc part drew my attention most, and that Fresh Eye reading part.

Thanks again!!


These are the kind of friends we yearn for. Fortunately, I have found them in some good people here. Not really a social person IRL 😂...


Yes, everyone gets at least one or two such friends. Those are really unfortunate who feel the lack of it.


the value of true friendship is measured by the loyalty of our friends to the problems we face, thank you for the story, it's very touching


Exactly, during those hard times we get to see the real faces around us. Welcome, it's my pleasure.


When God created Adam...he saw that he needed a companion, someone to always be there for him...God created friendship at that moment... we're strong but they're times when we need a helping hand...a listening ear.. reasuring words to keep going..I'm glad you found that and I hope you continue to as you continue to move on in life...


Thanks a lot for your warm wishes. Wish you the same for you too.
