Stop and Go



I had just returned from a long walk on Christmas Eve, when Specsavers in Atherstone, rang to say that my prescription glasses were ready. They gave me the choice to get to the shop an hour before closing or collect them after the holidays. I was keen to receive these new glasses because my eyes have deteriorated and I've been struggling to read and focus. So I quickly dug for the receipt as proof of payment and called an Uber taxi, which got me there in 25 minutes.

final pixel.jpg

The best news from the optometrist is that there's no sign of glaucoma, and looking closely at the shape of my eyes from my OCT scan, she said it's likely that I got my mom's genes and not my dad (whose side of the family is all going blind).

She told me not to be complacent though, but I never am. So I'll continue to protect and care for my eyes.

There's a downside to stronger prescription glasses, though. Now, I can see my fine lines and greys as they are magnified.

It's no stress though because I'm getting wiser every day, so I'm comfortable with my older version. However, to bring out the best of these jazzy glasses, I put on some lipstick—the best facelift—and before I knew it, I got out my tripod for a mini photoshoot, knowing that today is the youngest that I'll ever be.


Yes, you read that right.
Regardless, as a consolation, I remembered an ad that said, "The skin is not ageing prematurely; it's dehydrated."
True or false, I know that I am, and I'll try to increase my fluid intake.


I do love a headcrop, and I have a 50mm lens that's perfect for it. However, it's stop and go check to see if I'm actually in the frame, whenever I'm taking self-portraits. So I find it easier to use my 14-42mm zoom lens and crop them in my postproduction.

Glasses selection can be dismal, especially when I struggle to see clearly. I also felt a little dizzy from the glaring bright light during the scanning of my eyes, but that settled after a few minutes. However, to help me to narrow down my choices, I always reflect on many years ago, when I lived in the Netherlands.
I admired that mature ladies went for supercool glasses, unlike what I saw my mom and her peers wear, and so each year I go for a different trendy look that's my style.

Red has become a staple colour for my eyeglass. The fiery colour suits my personality, and it's a great way to brighten my face on days when I'm feeling a little tired. The look and fit of this red pair were ideal, one would have thought they were bespoke; simply perfect.


I had not yet reached the display where this green pair of glasses was, but the optician selected it. We both loved the fit, and it's a bold colour that she recommended as the contrasting colour popped.

Christmas Day 2024.jpg

I didn't change my sunshades this time since I have a few pairs that work well for my eyes, so although I had planned on just some close-up shots inside the boat, the weather was as mild as spring, so I placed my tripod on the boardwalk, and captured these full shots.

Christmas Day 2024 1.jpg

The colours are not bad for December, eh?

Christmas Day proved to be a great day for this photo shoot because there was minimal foot traffic along the towpaths and no passing boats.

Happy Holidays, peeps.🚥❤️💚💛🚦

Self-Portrait Photography using an Olympus OMD 10 M III
December 25, 2024
Tamworth, UK

8.846 NEOXAG


Nice choices. I really like the green ones. They really suit you.

Congratulations on not having glaucoma. That's a win!

0.015 NEOXAG

I really like the green ones. They really suit you.

Thank you! 😍
I'm pleased she recommended that green one because it's different, but way better than the one that I had selected. The fit, shape, and design of the other that I liked, similar to the red ones, was like the exact tone of my skin... and it did nothing for me 😆

Congratulations on not having glaucoma. That's a win!

Every time I get the news, I feel like I want to do a happy dance. My eyes are way too sensitive as they are, I can't imagine having an eye disease on top of it:)))

0.000 NEOXAG

Yeah they are very stylish and the color is nice.

I imagine that glaucoma would not be fun, to say the least lol

0.006 NEOXAG

They are very stylish and the color is nice.


I imagine that glaucoma would not be fun, to say the least

Not at all. It attacks your peripheral vision first and your eyesight gradually narrows, but there are many other physical discomfort that goes with it.

0.000 NEOXAG

I see... no pun intended lol
That doesn't sound nice at all 😨

0.002 NEOXAG

Your comment made me chuckle. 😂

0.000 NEOXAG

Merry Christmas, Milly. Your glasses give you that sophisticated look. With your red lipstick, everything is perfect. What matters now is you can see better, and at least you got a clearer perspective of what's really going on with your eyes.

0.015 NEOXAG

Thank you Jane 😍

What matters now is you can see better, and at least you got a clearer perspective of what's really going on with your eyes.

You said that so well. It's always a relief to hear and it's the first time that I've been left to feel optimistic that maybe I'll never be affected by it. 🤗

Merry Christmas🎄

0.047 NEOXAG

Hello Milly!

I love how those glasses look on you, especially the red ones look great!
Which reminds me that I need new ones for myself, because I left them on the couch and my husband accidentally sat on them so I'm using spare ones, hehe.

I hope you keep enjoying a beautiful weather like in the last shots.

Happy holidays!!! 🤗

0.015 NEOXAG

Hey CoQuicoin

Happy Holidays 😍

I hope you get your glasses sorted soon. It's no fun wearing a spare pair, especially if it's an old prescription.

especially the red ones

Thank you 😊

I hope you keep enjoying a beautiful weather like in the last shots.

Oh, you'd never imagine the difference a day makes. I woke up, and outside looked and is still looking like a blow of clouds from heavy mist.
I'm so happy that I took these shots yesterday.

Have a lovely day:)))

0.000 NEOXAG

Excellent selection of eyeglass frames, totally suitable for you, looks great!... And those photos of you dressed in yellow with Cygnet, awwww...Are like for a winter season Vogue cover!.... A lot of elegance there!... Applause for you @millycf1976 friend and best wishes for happy holidays! 📷👍❄️

!discovery 40

0.015 NEOXAG

Hey @jlinaresp
Thank you!
Your comment is highly appreciated 😊
I would love to do more photography in the coming year and you're always an inspiration.
Happy Holidays ❄️

0.000 NEOXAG

Awww... You read my mind, after that post where you shared photos from the navigation channel using the reflections of leafless trees on the water surface, I had no doubt that you have a “photographic soul”.... Good for you!... Happy Holidays @millycf1976 friend!

0.012 NEOXAG

I had no doubt that you have a “photographic soul”

Aww! 😍🤗😊

Thank you:)))

0.000 NEOXAG

Happy Holidays 🎄
It looks indeed like a perfect day. Great to have no people wandering by.
Awesome glasses… i need some new ones, but haven’t found the time to go somewhere. Haha

0.011 NEOXAG

Happy Holidays too🎄

Awesome glasses

Thank you. I have to change my glasses annually, which I'm annoyed about. However, I will see about going 2 years with this one, since they're much stronger.

I need some new ones, but haven’t found the time to go somewhere.

Haha! I notice that you're all over the place, but I hope that you'll get the chance to soon. New glasses make such a big difference and this time I made them put extra glare protection on the lens... although I wasn't pleased to fork out an extra £50 just for the protection, I spend long hours at the screen and she said it would help.

Hopefully, you can look after yours in the new year:)))

0.001 NEOXAG

Thank you so much 😊

You are welcome. 🤗

I am between lenses and glasses… although my glasses are pretty old. Finally getting older is catching up. I only had a subscription for seeing far. Now since a few months. I can’t read anything close up or see details hahaha so I need some varifocus ones now. Or reading glasses next to my lenses. 😣

I hope they last a while as every year a change is a lot.
It does sound the extra protection is worth the extra money. Will look into it too.

Let’s hope as I am too in between places and can’t seem to settle.

0.008 NEOXAG

I need some varifocus ones now

I hope you'll get on with those. My opticians recommended that since I do need separate glasses for reading and distance. However, I suffer from vertigo, and those lenses take a while to get used to and can cause balance problems.

I've never tried contact lenses, but eventually, I think I will need to have a laser treatment.

It's annoying having to flick between distance and reading glasses so I end up not wearing my distance ones often... and I CAN NOT see anything from my reading ones for anything but reading 🙃

0.000 NEOXAG

Really, didn’t know it (vertigo) could affect that. I have it too. Will have to talk to an optician about it as I don’t want to be falling.

That’s probably a solution for longer the laser treatment.

Oh I can imagine hahaha on and off and on… will see what I decide in the new year. Will have to find a solution as I wanted to start painting again and I just couldn’t focus on the tip of the brush.
Have a lovely day 😊

0.006 NEOXAG

Will have to find a solution as I wanted to start painting again and I just couldn’t focus on the tip of the brush.

I wish you all the best with that. It's our hobbies that get left behind first. I used to enjoy jewellery making, but it became too much for my eyes.

Have a lovely day too 🤗

0.000 NEOXAG

Fashionista! 😍 Those look smashing on you, both of them!
Love that last shot of you reclining on the boat, too! 💖

0.011 NEOXAG

Hey, thank you 😊
I chose the perfect day for the photoshoot and the lighting did the photos justice.
I'm feeling far from glamorous today though, and there's been heavy mist since yesterday. I hate grey days.
I hope that you're well 💓

0.000 NEOXAG

Your glasses looks great on you! It's better to have our eyes check before knowing something wrong with our eyes. I'm glad your eyes are still on track.

0.007 NEOXAG

😊 Thank you!🤗

It's better to have our eyes check before knowing something wrong with our eyes.

Yes, it is, and apparently, being high-risk for glaucoma means that I could develop it at any time.

One of my sisters is badly affected and has undergone several eye surgeries, and the other sister wears glasses but is not affected by the disease.

It's always a relief when my tests are negative for glaucoma.
Thanks for stopping by:)))

0.005 NEOXAG

Glad to hear that you your eyes are not affected by glaucoma. Butsaddened about your sisters eyes. Hopefully she's fine. 😊

0.002 NEOXAG

Thank you. She has it under control but the treatment is pricey and the surgeries are risky... which I think is contributing stress... which increases pressure.

0.000 NEOXAG

Oh sorry. True, pricey maintenance will add to her stress.

0.000 NEOXAG

If not because I read through I won't have know they are prescription glasses because of how good they look on you.

Your pose on the pictures look great, like that of a model

0.006 NEOXAG

Oh, thank you!😍
They are the kind of reading glasses that would look great tinted, but I chose clear lenses because I use them mainly while using my computer:)

0.000 NEOXAG

Good news and good colours for December. And yes, you are getting wiser every day. Don't forget to hydrate.

0.006 NEOXAG

Hey Nanixxx,

Thank you:)))

I'm trying my best to keep hydrated and I'll probably have to get some rehydrating salts for a boost.

On another note, I delayed working on the bike since the weather was so nice, and then today the weather was miserable. There was heavy mist all day that looked like a ball of smoke. Hopefully, tomorrow will be clearer because I want to get my tyre sorted once and for all:)))

0.000 NEOXAG

Oh, if you see how sunny it was here. Not as sweltering as other days, because the weather is a bit cool, but not to wear coats... so you can imagine what it's like. In the morning, however, it felt a bit chilly. Maybe it was just here where I live that there is a microclimate.

Hopefully you will be able to successfully accomplish that mission tomorrow!

0.002 NEOXAG

Fingers crossed!
You have to celebrate the wonderful climate there:)))

0.000 NEOXAG

The last two images look like they were taken straight from a fashion magazine! Wow! 💛

0.004 NEOXAG

😊 Hehe! Thank you!🤗

Perhaps Vogue?

If my attire and poses were different, then the headshots could probably have made an Adult magazine cut, as some oversized glasses frames tend to have a porn star effect... as I've been told...?!

0.071 NEOXAG

Perhaps Vogue?

Vogue indeed! It would be the perfect fit.

as some oversized glasses frames tend to have a porn star effect

A classic adult magazine probably, something vintage, from the 70-80s most likely. Because the modern takes surely aren't as classy.

0.006 NEOXAG

A classic adult magazine probably, something vintage, from the 70-80s most likely


Because the modern takes surely aren't as classy.

Hmm, I'll take your 'expert' analysis 😂

0.070 NEOXAG

Hmm, I'll take your 'expert' analysis

Please do! 🤣


0.001 NEOXAG

You are very beautiful. Although I am seeing you for the first time. But your photo shoot was very good. And photo shoot in such a beautiful nature which looks great.

0.003 NEOXAG

Nice glasses go well with calm weather on board ;))

0.001 NEOXAG

Nice glasses

Thank you 😊

go well with calm weather on board ;))

Do you reckon?

0.000 NEOXAG


0.000 NEOXAG


0.000 NEOXAG

Nice post shearing emoji 👌🫶🫶

0.004 NEOXAG

OK 😍... Thanks! It doesn't show on the comment but it shows on the FRIDAY bot.

Screenshot 2024-12-26 at 11.28.23.png

0.000 NEOXAG

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