Discovering the Taste of La Protectora: A Coffee Experience [🇺🇸/🇪🇦]

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Hello my coffelover☕

A few days ago I had the opportunity to live a unique experience that not only awakened my senses, but also gave me the joy of discovering an exceptional cafe called: La Protectora. I was in need of medicines and I was together with my husband and we decided to go to the very well known franchise called Farmatodo. While he was on his way to the pharmacy, at that moment I remembered that I needed coffee and I detoured to the aisle where the coffee section is located.

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The place was quite crowded, especially the pharmacy, in view of this, my husband approached where I was going for my coffee, when we entered the aisle, I really got a big surprise, because the variety of brands and types of coffee that they had in stock was incredible, there were so many that I had never seen anywhere where I am used to buy. When I began to observe the brands of coffee and to smell their aroma, my taste buds just said: I want to drink coffee, ha, ha, ha, ha. I took in my hands a brand with beautiful packaging and an exquisite aroma; however, I could not afford to buy it.

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As I continue my tour through all the coffee brands, one especially caught my attention: this one is called La Protectora. Not only did its attractive packaging catch my attention, which I could tell promised quality, but also when I read its review, I was impressed to learn that this coffee is produced here in Venezuela by La Pastora C. A. in the state of Trujillo. This one caught my attention, since on one occasion my comadre told me about this brand, but I had not come across it, so I said to myself: it is time to find out what it is like.

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Once at home, I did not wait long, I wanted to immediately prepare a cup of coffee to try it, but at that moment I was called and I had to leave immediately, so I was left with the desire to try this delight, so I had no choice but to wait. When I arrived home again. There, yes, very relaxed and happy, I put a cup of coffee in my humble cloth strainer, and while it was brewing, I can tell you that its aroma was totally exquisite and appetizing. Now it was time to try it and, well, my friends, it was really worth it to try something new and different. It is a totally gourmet coffee with a concentrated and very strong flavor. This is great for the preparation of coffee with milks.

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My first sip was a wonderful experience, which took me back to my moments with my mother in my beloved town. La Protectora not only fulfilled my expectations, but exceeded them and from now on it will be my new companion in my coffee adventures. Well, my coffee friends, now I say goodbye sending you many blessings, success and always reminding you that life is a journey full of learning. Each day brings new opportunities and experiences that help us to grow. Appreciate every moment and live with authenticity👋🙏🦋.

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Happy for your visit


Images taken from my tecno camon 18 p


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Hola mis coffelover☕

Hace pocos días tuve la oportunidad de vivir una experiencia única que no solo despertó mis sentidos, sino que me dio la dicha de descubrir un café excepcional llamado: La Protectora. Necesitaba de medicamentos y estaba junto a mi esposo y decidimos ir a la franquicia muy conocida llamada Farmatodo. Mientras él se dirigía a la farmacia, en ese momento recordé que necesitaba café y me desvíe para el pasillo donde está la sección cafetera.

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El lugar estaba bastante concurrido, especialmente la farmacia, en vista de esto, mi esposo se acercó a donde yo iba por mi café, cuando ingresamos al pasillo, realmente me he llevado una gran sorpresa, pues la gran variedad de marcas y tipos de café que estos tenían en existencia era increíble, había tantos que jamás había visto en ningún lado de donde ya estoy acostumbrada a comprar. Cuando comienzo a observar las marcas de café y a oler de su aroma, guaooo mis papilas gustativas, solo decían: quiero tomar café, ja, ja, ja. Tomé entre mis manos una marca de un hermoso empaquetado y de un aroma exquisito; sin embargo, no me daba para comprarlo.

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Cuando sigo mi recorrido por todas las marcas de café, uno llamó especialmente mi atención: este se llama La Protectora. No solo me llamó la atención su atractivo empaque, el cual se notaba que prometía calidad, sino también que cuando leo su reseña, me impresiona al saber que este es elaborado aquí en Venezuela por café la Pastora C. A. en el estado Trujillo. Este llamó mi atención, ya que en una oportunidad mi comadre me habló de esta marca, pero no había dado con él, así que me dije: es el momento de saber qué tal es.

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Ya una vez en casa, no esperé mucho, quise preparar de inmediato una taza de café para probarlo, pero en ese momento me llamaron y debí salir de inmediato, así que quedé con las ganas de probar esta delicia, así que no tuve de otra que esperar. Cuando llegue nuevamente a casa. Allí, sí, muy relajada y feliz, monté una taza de café en mi humilde colador de tela, y mientras este se colaba, les puedo decir que su aroma era totalmente exquisito y apetecible. Ahora tocaba probarlo y, pues, amigos, realmente valió la pena probar algo nuevo y distinto. Es un café totalmente gourmet y de sabor concentrado y muy fuerte. Este es genial para la elaboración de café con leches.

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Mi primer sorbo fue una experiencia maravillosa, la cual me trasladaba a mis momentos al lado de mi madre en mi pueblito amado. La Protectora no solo cumplió con mis expectativas, sino que las superó y que de ahora en adelante será mi nuevo compañero de aventuras cafeteras. Bueno, mis amigos cafeteros, ahora me despido enviándoles muchas bendiciones, éxitos y recordándoles siempre que la vida es un viaje lleno de aprendizajes. Cada día trae nuevas oportunidades y experiencias que nos ayudan a crecer. Aprecia cada momento y vive con autenticidad👋🙏🦋

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Feliz por su Visita


Imágenes tomadas desde mi tecno camon 18 p

Use of the Deepl translator to translate texts into English


It's always an exciting moment when trying a new brand of coffee, one you wouldn't want to wait but feel the taste in your mouth and inhaling the sweet aroma it brings. That was a beautiful brand and I wonder how it would taste.


Greetings friend. It has excellent aroma and good concentration. A hug


It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976


Thank you, it is always a pleasure to share experiences


It seems that you really enjoyed the new coffee you bought, there is nothing better than discovering new flavors that satisfy the palate.

Thanks for sharing your coffee experience with us.☕

Good day.


Greetings bella, yes I enjoyed very much this new experience and taste. And it was very pleasant. Thank you for your visit



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