Lindo Maquillaje para una salida Especial☺☺ [Esp-Eng]
Feliz viernes a todos, de nuevo por aca y hoy les quiero mostrar este lindo maquillaje que a mi parecer puede servir para cualquier ocasion, ademas de que es muy rapido y facil de realizar, ya saben que yo aun no me meto en aguas tan profundas😂 pero me gusta ir compartiendo con ustedes lo que voy aprendiendo asi que sin mas, les comento un poco👇
Happy Friday everyone, back here again and today I want to show you this nice makeup that in my opinion can be used for any occasion, plus it is very quick and easy to perform, you know that I still do not get into such deep waters😂 but I like to share with you what I'm learning so without further ado, I'll tell you a little bit👇
Materiales que Use
✅ Sombra
✅ Base
✅ Delineador
✅ Polvo
✅ Rubor
✅ Corrector
✅ Pintura de labios
Materials I Use
✅ Shadow
✅ Foundation
✅ Eyeliner
✅ Powder
✅ Blush
✅ Corrector
✅ Lipstick
Para comenzar lavé bien mi cara e hidraté un poco, y lo primero que hice fué agregar desde mi lagrimal al centro del parpado un poco de sombra naranja, para seguidamente agregar una sombra naranja un poco mas clara y brillante que difuminé junto a la otra
El siguiente paso fue agregar una linea delgada de sombra en mi parpado inferior y seguidamente el delineador
To start I washed my face well and moisturized a bit, and the first thing I did was to add from my eyelid to the center of the eyelid a bit of orange shadow, and then I added a lighter and brighter orange shadow that I blended next to the other one.
The next step was to add a thin line of shadow on my lower eyelid and then eyeliner.
Aca agregué la base que luego sellé con un poco de polvo, aplique lapiz negro en mi ojo y un poco de Rimel, sigo en la lucha de aprender a ponerme las pestañas postizas que sin duda le dan un plus a cualquier maquillaje.
Here I added the base that I then sealed with a little powder, applied black pencil on my eye and a little bit of mascara, I'm still struggling to learn how to apply false eyelashes that undoubtedly give a plus to any makeup.
Para finalizar agregué un poco de corrector oscuro en mi frente, pomulo y nariz buscando darle un poco de profundidad! Apliqué el rubor y la pintura de labios y este ha sido el resultado👇☺
To finish I added some dark concealer on my forehead, cheekbone and nose looking to give it some depth! I applied blush and lipstick and this has been the result👇☺.
Me parece que la combinacion de colores estuvo estupenda☺ y se puede usar de dia o de noche, espero que sea de su agrado💜
I think the color combination was great☺ and it can be used day or night, I hope you like it.💜
Todas las imagenes fueron tomadas con mi Redmi 9
La portada la edité en PicsArt
Los collages son de photoGrid
All images were taken with my Redmi 9
The cover was edited in PicsArt
The collages are from photoGrid
Simplemente hermoso amiga 😍
Gracias amiga☺ la verdad si gusto mucho, me alegra a ti tambien
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They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.
They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.
Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.
They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.
Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?