Celebrando el Cumple de Lukas🥳💙||Celebrating Lukas🥳💙's Birthday🥳💙
Hola amogos de #Familyandfriends nuevamente yo por aca, y esta vez es para contarles como fue nuestro viernes. Resulta que el miercoles nos llegó una invitacion de los padrinos de Ema, para el cumpleaños numero 8 de su hijo Lukas, y aunque como dicen "la masa no ta pa bollo" los niños tenian tiempo sin ir a alguna fiesta infantil asi que dije "claro que vamos" ademas me sirvió a mi para hacer algo diferente tambien jeje!!
Hello #Familyandfriends friends, I'm here again, and this time it's to tell you how our Friday went. It turns out that on Wednesday we got an invitation from Ema's godparents, for the 8th birthday of their son Lukas, and although as they say "la masa no ta pa bollo" the kids had been some time without going to a children's party so I said "of course we're going" and it also helped me to do something different hehe!
Asi que como el cumple era ayer, yo el jueves salí en busca del regalo, que cabe destacar que no le tome fotos 🙄 pero bueno le compré una camisa azul bien linda, pero como yo se que ningun niño se emociona si le llevan ropa a su cumpleaños, decidí comprarle un juguete tambien, un paquete de Minecraft, con varios muñequitos, como este fue el motivo de la reunion, me parecio super chevere.
So as the birthday was yesterday, I went out on Thursday looking for the gift, which is worth noting that I did not take pictures 🙄 but well I bought him a nice blue shirt, but as I know that no child is excited if they bring clothes to his birthday, I decided to buy him a toy too, a pack of Minecraft, with several dolls, as this was the reason for the meeting, I thought it was super cool.
La invitacion decia 6pm y nuestro pensado era llegar tipo 6:30 porque sabemos que son puntuales para empezar la pachanga jeje pero cuestiones de trafico nos hicieron llegar a las 7:30, Lukas estaba FELIZ, decia "mamá llegaron otros niños" jeje el soñaba con ver ese apartamento repleto de niños, pero bueno la verdad fue bastante intimo el compartir, el se puso feliz con su regalo y en seguida les pedí una foto juntos A el y a Chris. Ema ya se habia ido al area de juguetes😂
The invitation said 6pm and our plan was to arrive at 6:30 because we know they are punctual to start the pachanga hehe but traffic issues made us arrive at 7:30, Lukas was HAPPY, he said "mom other children arrived" hehe he dreamed of seeing that apartment full of children, but well the truth was quite intimate sharing, he was happy with his gift and immediately I asked for a picture together to him and Chris. Ema had already gone to the toys area😂.
Lukas tiene autismo, pero ha mejorado Muchisimo en cuanto a socializar, y aunque ayer estaba sobreestimulado porque habia comido cosas que no debe, estaba bastante tranquilo, corria de aqui para alla jejeje la mamá le decia a cada rato que si, que irian mas niños para que se quedara tranquilo pero la verdad es que fueron 7 en total (suficientes la verdad😂)
Lukas has autism, but he has improved a lot in terms of socializing, and although yesterday he was overstimulated because he had eaten things he shouldn't, he was quite calm, he was running from here to there hehehehe the mom was telling him all the time that yes, there would be more children to keep him calm but the truth is that there were 7 in total (enough really😂).
Todos estaban locos de romper la Piñata, asi que a las 8:30 lo hicieron y ahi estaban mis monos dandole con furia a esa piñata😂 de hecho cuando le tocó a Chris me moví del mueble donde estaba porque dije "se le sale ese palo y me mata😂"
Everyone was crazy about breaking the Piñata, so at 8:30 they did it and there were my monkeys furiously hitting that piñata😂 in fact when it was Chris' turn I moved from the furniture where I was because I said "that stick will come out and kill me😂".
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Una hora despues ya estabamos cantando cumple y probando la torta que ademas de linda estaba deliciosa, y los chiquis feliz con toda esa chucheria que ahora me toca ir dividiendo en la semana por cierto 😄
An hour later we were already singing birthday and tasting the cake that besides being beautiful was delicious, and the kids were happy with all that candy that now I have to divide during the week by the way 😄.
Luego nos quedamos echando lengua un rato y a las 11pm ya estabamos en casa la verdad una tarde-noche bastante agradable y fuera de la rutina 🥰 hoy si estuvimos full casita jeje mañana ya veremos 😂 me despido hasta entonces 💜💜
Then we stayed there for a while and at 11pm we were back home, it was a nice evening out of the routine 🥰 today we were full house hehe tomorrow we'll see 😂 I'll say good bye until then 💜💜💜
Fotos tomadas con mi Infinix hot 40i
Portada editada en Canva
Photos taken with my Infinix hot 40i
Cover edited in Canva