Rescued an Oriental-magpie-robin bird



We have a big garden integrated with our Home in our village. Here in this locality monkeys invade the garden and destroy it very often. So we have ani-monkey netting in place to protect the garden and veggies from Monkey menace.

But as you know, any netting could cause pain to entangled birds. This is exactly what happened to this bird. Fortunately, we ensured timely rescue and saved him.


The name of this bird is Oriental magpie-robin (Copsychus saularis), generally found in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. They are very common in urban gardens in India.


These birds sing very sweetly and have great skills in catching flies and other insects. They look very cute and they keep on flaunting their tails up and down.


The bird was completely entangled in the net and was in severe pain, I had to be careful when I cut those plastic strands/threads of netting with a scissor.


So in order to disentangle the bird, first I had to detach it from the netting, take it to my room, and then again I had to cut the fine strands of the netting which was still in its feather.


The bird did not suffer any major injury on the question of his flying capability but he looked exhausted and was scared.

I tried to calm him down, but he just wanted to take the skies again after getting rid of that plastic mesh.


In our garden, a variety of birds live and they often catch flies, insects, etc and in that process, they inadvertently enter into the net and get entangled. This is the third instance we rescued a bird. We do not have any intention to cause damage to birds, but to protect the vegetables that we grow in our garden we have to install anti-monkey netting.

Since he did not suffer any major injury, after disentangling the bird from the netting, after cutting and removing all the fine threads of plastic in its feather, I released it into my Garden again. He happily started flying and disappeared into the thick bushes.


It always feels good when you can rescue a bird, or help someone in need. I am a Nature lover, and I live close to a whole ecosystem. So I'm feeling good today. I will stay vigilant and will make sure that no birds die a painful death by getting entangled in safety netting.

Thank you.


Detailed InfoDescription
DeviceRedmi 7, Xiomi
Location7R2R+JQ5, Odisha, India


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Monkey netting sounds good way to protect vegetables, sad the birds will be captured going through as well.

We live with same problem here with troops of monkeys on the move daily, protected wildlife I have never heard of people trying to stop them.


Actually, we dont have a problem if monkeys take their share of veggies but the problem is that they create a ruckus and destroy it. So we have no other option but to put anti-monkey netting. But unfortunately, the cute birds get entangled in it.

Thanks for stopping by:)


We use plastic meshing over our security gates to keep monkeys out of the house they can cause havoc! 🙃
