5 Minutes free write - The power of book
Here we go, on to the 5 minutes!
Also today I bring a drawing that has impressed me quite a bit.
here it is
It's quite intuitive, if one applies what one finds written in the books one can get to the idea one was looking for, whereas if one only reads, one always remains at the same level.
It struck me because it's commonplace among people to say what do I need that subject in everyday life, what do I need that to work etc. etc.?
Well, whatever subject we are taught in school is not an end in itself, some notions of physics can serve us in everyday life, as well as chemistry (let's leave aside the fact that I am a chemical engineer)
And then reading a book, acquiring new information makes us grow into a new self: it is never a waste of time.
So, let's read guys, and write down what we have learned so that it stays firmly in our minds and with those notions we can
I'll finish approaching our "light bulb"!
Here's to the next 5 minutes!