Was Jesus A Carpenter? MCGI Topic Review

The question of Jesus’ occupation depends on how we understand His mission on earth. This understanding has affected all of humanity, some negatively. Those who have come to the realization that Jesus Christ is the son of God sent for the redemption of all mankind has gotten it right. To such, they do have a positive impact from the understanding of Jesus Christ.
Others still see Him as one who just existed once upon a time. To those Jesus has no meaning in their lives. They missed out completely from His redemptive work.

Mark 6:3 (KJV) Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.

Looking at the response of the Jews in Mark which Bro Eli Soriano read to us, we will realize the surprise in the tone of the Jews. They didn't know him as more than just an ordinary human being who was a carpenter living in their community. To them, they didn't realize who Jesus really was. He was just an ordinary carpenter.

Bro Eli Soriano mentioned that the first 30 years of Jesus Christ was no different from an ordinary person. Nobody knew he could heal the sick then. Nobody knew he could work miracles. Nobody knew he was the son of God. To them he was another carpenter in the community.

How we know Jesus in our hearts will determine how we value him. What we take him to be is how we will see him. Our understanding of who Jesus is and is mission is what would make us benefit from His redemptive work.


No matter what they knew him to be; no matter what the world thinks about him, my Jesus is not just a carpenter, he is the savior of the world.
