The Bright Cloud - Love The Cloud Contest #197

There has been some rustling and commotion lately bothering my mind. Arising from the thoughts of unsettled bills to the sting of economic crunch caused by the current inflation in the country; even bringing to fore the bitterness of the Madam of the house (which is equally a compounded effect of the seeming hardship biting, not only my family but the entire nation.

I take solace in the realization that there is One with the ultimate power who controls everything. More tranquil is my mind to know that He also understands my experiences at this time and is more than willing to help. Don't let me sound religious, but can I really help? That has been an integral part of my life for centuries now.

Sometimes, one can't actually wave away the glaring realities of life circumstances. We have been coasting along with the kids without any threatening friction. If there were any screams of discomfort, one could rightly think that that's normal in every home. Then suddenly, we had to get aboard with this present government.

Honestly speaking, things haven't been easy in the past nine years. We could actually come to terms that the previous administration of President Muhammad Buhari was a serious mishap for Nigeria. Though there are strong echoes of outright disregard to the plights of the citizenry, I still have a soft spot in my mind for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. I believe he sees a bright cloud in the direction he is toeing.

Yes, there's a bright cloud! There is a bright cloud in anticipation that when the government stops paying unrealistic subsidies on petroleum products, we will adjust our lifestyle to the reality of the real economic conditions. Not that these conditions will be devilish, but certain infrastructures will gradually get in place. Production could gently slip in and Nigeria will be reshaped into the glorious land it was meant to be. There is a Bright Cloud!

Thank you for taking the time to think with me. Please do stop by and check on my blog next time.



Greetings friend, Beautiful shots that accompany your words, blessings for family and your region ✨


Thoughtful post with beautiful cloud
