Shadows Hunting Can Be Fun. #Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 348


Every business is fun when we approach it with a mindset of being fruitful. When we cultivate a positive mindset about what we engage in, it will be productive and fruitful. Fruitfulness is the desire of everyone who engages in every business.

Shadow hunting is a business and it is fun engaging with it. Maybe you don't know that it is a business. It is because it makes us exercise both our minds and our muscles. I believe that everything you invest something in is a business. We invest time, energy and ideas into most of our activities on Hive, so Hive Blockchain is a business platform.

Moreso, if you do it well, you stand a chance of receiving some rewards. Many times the rewards are minutes but we do know that little drops when they come consistently will certainly make a mighty ocean.

So, today I had fun hunting some shadows from customers who were visiting a commercial business center I was opportuned to be around. These are my pictures and I'm submitting them for my entry into the #shadowhunters SMASh Contest Round 348.

What are you engaging with? Do it well. It will be useless wasting your energy with what is unproductive. Get productively engaged. Have a good day.
