A Call To Repentance

‭Acts 3:19 (NIV‬) Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,

The whole world is experiencing a time of calamities and awful uncertainties. We live in a time where peace is far from reach. Nations are at war with each other. Inflation makes life extremely difficult for the common man. Many are committing suicide on a daily basis. The hope of living has eluded many. Our world surely needs healing.

We can not deny the fact that our sinful life has brought us into the mess that we find ourselves in. Our negligence of the commandments of God and His ways has made us experience more difficulties as the days go by. There is no hope if we continue to embark on the kind of lifestyle which we are embarking on. We need to change our ways.

We need to turn to God in true and absolute repentance. We need to give up our sinful ways. We need to embrace the doctrines of Jesus Christ and live holy. We need to return to our Creator if we must experience peace.

What we were building our hopes on are falling right before us. Many of the world strongest institutions are collapsing. World powers are equally gasping for breath just like the feeble ones. The world is fast crumbling down. There is hope anyway. Only Jesus Christ can save and help now.
Today, make up your mind that you will return to God and repent from every sinful life you have been living. May God bless your soul.

Hebrews 3:15 (KJV) While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.
