When You're Dared To Do Silly Things...
I'm yet to understand why this is common with guys, they just come up with silly challenges and make the loser pay for it if he doesn't do what he is asked to do. Although girls do this too but I've seen more guys do it than them. And what's even more puzzling is how much I love to watch this challenge.
"Truth or Dare" movies are perfect examples of daring people to do silly or difficult things. There was one I witnessed where the guys made a friend of theirs to drink alcohol to stupor and made silly videos of him to show him later when he gets sober. It was so embarrassing as he was a total different person when he gets drunk.
Well, that's not the main purpose of me writing this. Just yesterday, something happened close to my lodge and I want to share it here.
We have this stagnant dirty water gutter not so far from our lodge, it stinks so bad when the sun goes down, one has to keep doors and windows closed to be saved from the odor if not, you'd think your whole body stinks. I really can't explain how bad the smell is but if you've ever experienced the smell of bad eggs or a dead rat, you'd be close to the imagination of how bad the gutter smells.
Times hundred of this dirty water is the gutter water
I was outside yesterday evening washing my dishes after cooking, I was using hyper speed so I don't have to perceive what's coming in few minutes to an hour from the gutter but something interesting happened just when I was about to get the dishes done.
Three young boys (within 9-12years) walked past me but not without having a conversation that made laugh so hard later inside my room, the conversation went like this...
First boy - Desmond, Can you drink this dirty water for 1 billion naira?
Second boy - I won't drink it but can you drink it for 8.2 billion naira?
First boy - Yes, I will drink it and run to the hospital immediately to get treated
Second boy - Ahhh, you know how our hospitals work here, you will just die before you get treated
Third boy - You two shut up there! Even for 1 trillion naira, you won't dare drink that. It won't even touch your lips before you throw up.
The other two boys went mute for a minute and was like "It's true, just look how dirty the water is and it stinks too". They walked away and I couldn't hear the rest of their conversation but what I know and can pick from their conversation is that, they actually turned down a whopping sum of 1 trillion who does that? Oh yeah, some young boys did that lol.
I actually gave the situation more thought and asked myself if I'd drink the water for all the money in this world 😂 it's damn tempting but for someone who can't bear the smell of the gutter and could throw up anytime, I'm definitely not one that could do such an experiment but I'll cry for missing out on having that money. It will be a sight to behold if one actually agrees to drink the water for the money... Immediate death! So I think.
But come to think of it, why would one be dared to drink such water and not to do something else for that money? Why do one have to do silly things to be eligible for big prizes? This world is crazy indeed but any who decides to do the silly thing is crazier!
So I'll ask you now, will you drink that gutter water for a million dollar?
Ps: Just as the young boys didn't have a billion naira to give out, I don't have a million dollar to give out either so its best you choose not to do it (I'm helping you, you can thank me later).
See eeeehn
Let me tell you the truth!
They did not do it because they know that they don't have the money, and they are still kids.
You want to tell a young man who has seen shege for many years... graduated without job... and has starved for a long time...
Bring 10 million and he will show you that drinking dirty water is his hobby 😅
Some people actually live in places where the water stinks so bad and even if they treat it, it isn't so much different from the original... so such people, you are just giving dem extra juice 😅😅
And finally, men will always be men... the world can never be sweet without men 😅
If we have only ladies in the world... there will be nothing like play... only Tiktok and makeup we will be seeing... plus, baby shine on
😂😂😂 What?!!! I really don't want to believe this, how na? Why? The water could kill them before they spend the money.
Is he trying to show off right now? 🙄 Do you think the world would make any sense without the women? Not at all
Value women 😌🥰😂
Lol, the fact is that some people are actually used to drinking dirty water 😑 that's the sad reality... especially in villages where water is scarce... they rely on the only available source.. whether it is good or bad.
Like I said... just Tiktok, Makeup and telling each other "Glow baby Glow"....
That's what we'd miss
For someone who is always trying to work for himself, he will never choose the option of drinking that water for all the money in the world except they were hypnotized, lolz.
Well, just like you have said, there are people who will do such a thing but I don't blame them, I blame the person who wants to kill somebody because he wants to dash money, why didn't he just give it to him for free and leave if he is not willing to?
Men are wicked sha, both male and female oo, lolz.
Hmm, you are absolutely right, without men the world will be vague and likewise women, hehe.
Well when I was living at ajegunle in Lagos, I was used to water like that that stank, I think the blacker the gutter, the more it stinks and mosquitoes and all.
As for those kids, I think they don't understand the importance of having good health. The truth is that the money won't even be enough to treat them. When one has all the money in the world and good health. One's as useless as anything
As for Truth or dare, I once attended a birthday, where they'd have made me kiss a girl or drink Kai kai. I just left the place. Me we get sense.
Thank you for this contribution, the children actually later agreed that the money will be of no use though, lolz.
We have good health so what stops us from hustling and getting the money that we need than to go for that kind of money that you will not enjoy? Me I'm not even thinking about it, I don't want that type of money jhur 😏
Well, as long as we're alive, I'm sure we'd keep struggling. Health is the most important thing ooooo. People won't understand until they have Money and cannot spend it.
Did you see my discord message after the smile channel talk on Sunday?
Exactly!! When you get money you nor fit use am for better thing, your eye go clear, na that time you go come dey talk had I know, lolz, too bad.
I'm not sure I saw that message, was it on dm or on the discord channel? I have been busy and so it's my phone playing with itself 😏.
I will stop by to check for the message, but hope all is well? My mind is doing me as if I did something wrong 😂.
Lol, that is just it! I've seen worse than the one at our backyard but it's just so disgusting since it's been a bit long I last saw one.
Such water, if drunk will definitely send anyone to near death 😂
I nor dey wan play that truth or dare game o 😏 many other fun games dey abeg
You see that truth or dare game?... I always never participate. The kinds of rubbish people are asked to do is just unthinkable.
It's how they're rolling out the numbers for me. At least, they did not say 'two hundred billion thousand dollars'😂
The first boy was not informed. Na small pikin de do am.
Me, I don't want to believe that there are people who would dare someone to drink from such filth and the person will. To what gain? Omo! Life without good health no follow abeg.
Lol... I was laughed so much but quietly when I heard them calling the amounts as they liked.
Good health first, you need it to enjoy any money you get to earn 🥲
I was once dared into creating a well-organized comedy community on Hive.
Lol... I wish the "well-organized" wasn't part of it 😅
Some might be tempted to drink it ooo, considering the present economy. They will just say no b only water, abeg give me 2 cups are😁😁😄😂😂.
But I'll never advise anybody to drink such polluted water just because of money.
Lol... Na really, give me 2 cups 😂
There's no way they won't change their body system after drinking such.
Yes ooo, may God no use money suffer us for this life.
Amen o
Drink what? For what? Mtchew, I will work three days without sleeping than for me to get some complications in my body system because of greed.
They were little children but I guess they were wise after all, drinking that water will make me have sleepless nights because the thought if it is just so disgusting and it's now for money, abeg I don't want, my hands and brain are working very fine 😂😂.
Haha only the thought of me drinking such water is making me want to throw up 😂
Drink ke... Better carry your trillions and go your way in peace abeg haha.
As in ehn, the thing is just crazy! @ksam will you drink such a dirty water? Anybody that wants to drink such a water is either very desperate or he or she is not thinking, lolz
Yes, it must be one of those reasons
I won't be surprised if Ksam will drink such sha 🙄😏
Hahaha, @ksam come and hear my sister speaking igbo oo, lolz.
Crazy girl
So it's igbo you're reading there
Hehehe, wait! Is it not igbo you where speaking? 😜
Abeg just lemme in peace
Me I dinno hold you before oo Ma'am 😅😜
I'd have to see the water for myself to truly say... but I've eaten and drank some pretty horrible things for free when I was starving!
Plus, a million dollars will buy a LOT of mouthwash!
Lol... I honestly don't want to imagine those horrible things you ate for free 😂 free things mostly threaten to take our lives 🤣
Mouthwash won't wash the smell away, and again, do mouthwash also wash the stomach? Lol
I'll save the awful details... for a post! 😂😂
I figure if I drink enough of the mouthwash, I'll throw up. Then I'll be sparkling clean and minty fresh inside and out! 🤣
Lol... I'll look forward to that post then
Nice move with the mouthwash 😂😂
A million dollars, I wouldn't dare.
Lol... Same here
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