The Digital Detox Challenge: Detox, Refresh, Repeat


It's a challenge but one I am willing to take. The amount of time I spend on my devices is becoming alarming but honestly, I don't feel that way at all. I could still go the whole next year on my phone and not feel the need to detox or at least limit my time on it. But this prompt has reminded me the importance to take up the detox challenge.

It's one thing to take up a challenge, it's another to stay discipline through it. I don't know how well I'll do and how far I'll go with this decision but so far, it's been a good decision for me health wise. Yeah, I've been trying to limit my time with my devices recently so if you ask about next year then yeah, I'm continuing what I've started.


For some weeks now, I've been resting more than spending time on my screen chatting away or watching movies. It's not that I don't do these things, I've just somehow be able to limit the time I give into them. I had a mild eye problem before, it kinda scared me so much that I wasn't lectured to be more careful with them.

I have plans to follow manually written routine that would not involve much of my devices to work with except when I have to make money (my only job for now). All of the things I have in mind are all directed to helping me grow personally and the process I want to go through are quite intentional, it has to be that way to work.

Giving more time to connect with my offline world especially family, I've spent too much time chatting and connecting with friends online that I've only realized now that I don't have much persons to connect with in reality. It's great to have friends around the world virtually but we know just how great it is having connection with friends around.


One major way I want to use to reduce my time with digital devices is reading books. I'm yet to understand how I stopped reading books totally, it's something I have always enjoyed doing growing up but now, I find it too stressful and get easily distracted from it when I try to read one. I plan to choose some specific kind of books and read more.

I'm yet to go through the stress of freeing up my phone from all the stuffs I don't make use of, including apps, contacts, pictures and videos but they are in my plan. Hopefully, I won't take them into the new year but it's not like a new year resolution, I just want to get rid of what I'm no longer using or will not be needing going forward.

Playing offline games, visiting friends, taking healthy breaks from my devices and building my life around more than just my devices, these are all my plans from now into the new year and out into the future.

Images used are mine

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2657.685 NEOXAG


More like New Merit goals. I relate to the struggle of picking books again after a long time. One page at a time somehow works. And offline games... I'm curious what kinds.

0.120 NEOXAG

I'll try that, a page at a time.
I'm thinking of games like ludo, scrabble, my sis and Bro know chess, might learn from them until I get a serious work to do offline 😅

0.000 NEOXAG

After failing woefully at new year resolutions, I have faced front and just go with the flow. The most annoying thing is how you will be trying your best to overcome but temptations will not let you rest. So far, you seemed to have it all figured out... All the best dear seriously rooting for you to smash those resolutions 🫡

0.039 NEOXAG

The temptation just keeps coming and I fall into it but not as often or should I say as chronic as before 😂
Thanks dear

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