It has to be Ronald!!!


Mrs Martin gave birth to their first child after many years of childlessness and the whole city felt their happiness as they were so wealthy and popular.

Ronald came at a time when all he had to do was play, eat and sleep as his father has made so much money to take care of his whole life. Ronald got so lazy, pampered and arrogant.

Mr nd Mrs Mike didn't care about that as they felt grateful for having a son to call theirs at least. Ronald grew up and was ready to go school as perceived by his parents, he was sent to the best school in the city.

Ronald was so handsome, has blue eyes, so brilliant in his studies and super mischievous as a student. Everyone at school would wonder how he got to top in class even though he was always disturbing in the class and causing havoc everywhere he was.

At nine, he was made the prefect of his class as it was the custom of the school to give the position to the most brilliant student. Ronald wouldn't have been chosen if his father didn't intervene with his wealth and a new structure in the school.

Students worshipped Ronald when he became the prefect of just his class, he was so mischievous that he could get a student expelled if any would get him angry. A few teachers are scared of him and wouldn't do anything to get him angry.

The principal of the school saw that Ronald would get worse if he is allowed to continue in such behaviour but he couldn't say much after talking to Mr Mike about it.

My boy won't act like he does if you guys are treating him well in this school... Mr Mike would always say the same thing whenever the issue is brought up to him.

On Ronald's graduation day, a few items in the new structure which Mr Mike had built was spoilt. No one could dare ask what exactly happened but every student and teacher could tell without much conviction that it was Ronald's doings.

I'm leaving this school, the building dad did for them shouldn't be the same when I'm no longer here... Ronald was busy with his evil thoughts when his mum came to get him from school.

Going to college was never in Ronald's mind as he wanted to just sit around the house and enjoy himself all the time. But his parents convinced him and promised to get his first car if he would finish a first year in college.

Ronald imagined all the plans he would be able to execute if he had a car and he got prepared for college. It was the most prestigious college in another big city, far from home. Mr Mike was a little worried but he couldn't dare take Ronald to any college in his own city, they were all of too low ranking for his son's college life.

Ronald got to his new school, he was given a room that suit his personality and rank as a billionaire's son. He had a large room, well ventilated and beautiful environment situated close to where he would be taking lectures. Roland never left his room without dressing up in expensive attires that got girls crushing so hard on him.

As a college boy, Ronald looked too handsome and smart, he loved low shoes but he had the most adorable height among all the other guys, his smile gives lecturers goosebumps, his fellow female students worship him every time and anywhere they saw him.

Well, time to be me!!! Ronald said excitedly on his first day of attending his school. Before class started, Ronald looked around and saw a tiny young boy sitting on his own with face down as if he was being intimidated by his own classroom. Ronald decided to make him as a friend but he became an errand boy for him instead.

Students who bullied others in school stopped when they witnessed how powerfully different Ronald treats whoever gets on his nerve, they got scared for their own life and tried to kiss up to Ronald's feet.

During a class, Ronald got tired of the boring teaching and he called his dad immediately... Dad, can you get a teacher change his way of teaching? He isn't good enough to teach our class.

In less than ten minutes, the owner of the school came into the class and took the teacher away. The students have always wanted a better teacher so they never asked what exactly made him stop coming to school.

Ronald's graduation from college was a happy day for every person that had a taste of his arrogance especially after he got his first car.

As a young working class man, Ronald refused to work with his brilliant brains... He was good in all science departments, he had the best graduating certificate but no place wanted him to work with them... He was scary to work with too.

His father knew he had been making a great mistake on how he trained his son so he decided to build a big company for his son where he would manage with his brains and also employed people to work in it.

In a quick sleep, Ronald had a dream that was scary and a warning for him to change his ways, he knew he had been a bad child to his parents and his dream meant well for him. He decided to get serious with the company his father built.

His parents apologized for not training him in the best way to be of morals, he forgave them and became a great man in the society with his brilliancy.

The End...


0.780 NEOXAG


Spare the rod and spoil the child hahahahaha! That saying is way older than I am, and it's still true today as well. And actually, most places that I know of would have had someone that would stand up to him, and beat him at his own game, and beat his ass into the ground (so to speak lol). I've seen a lot of those kinds, and have been attacked by someone exactly like that. So, there is another saying that he would need something called "tough love", and that also may have worked. But the parents obviously were not the ones to dispense that, and were negligible in duty to him. Even though it took a long time, it was ultimately the dream that spoke to him and he took it as a major warning, which was fantastic. Nicely composed @merit.ahama.
This post was obtained through Dreemport.

0.004 NEOXAG

Thanks for sharing your thought on my story @jamerussell it is very much appreciated 😊

0.000 NEOXAG

E neva suppose end yet
Person suppose wipe Ronald Oraimo cord for neck, make him neck straight small 🥲

Well, I doubt if Roland will be able to change, if na real life. It will be certainly difficult for him, since he grew up with that kind if behaviour.

It will be different but not impossible.

Na dreemport carry me come here 🥲

0.004 NEOXAG

Haha shey na you wan wipe am cord abi?

True, different but not impossible... You are right 🙂

Thanks to Dreemport for bringing you here 😁

0.000 NEOXAG

It's difficult I wanted to write jhur 🤧

0.000 NEOXAG

I'm happy he changed at the end.
If wealthy parents won't stop pampering their children, then I wish that the children get to have a scary 👻 dream like Ronald

I read every bit of this story and enjoyed it Merit ❤, drawing knowledge from your well of wisdom 😇👍🧡

Dreemport sent me💞

0.004 NEOXAG

Awww thanks ma'am 😊🥰
You and your sweet words... Glad you enjoyed the story

0.000 NEOXAG

Please oo, I am eagerly waiting for the final part of your fictional story...wanna check on my workaholic Becky🤣

0.005 NEOXAG

Hahaha it will be out soon 😅

0.000 NEOXAG

One would think that Ronald would have had a few experiences that would teach him a lesson and make him turn on a new life. However, he was spoiled to the core.

His parents didn't do him any good in his lifetime. It became way too late. It is the responsibility of every home to churn out decent citizens.

Well done Merit. I enjoyed this story.

0.004 NEOXAG

Yeah, it's an almost natural thought to get to the part where he learns and changes but I thought about leaving it at that... Never learns! 😅

0.000 NEOXAG

If that doesn't change him, I don't know what would.

0.000 NEOXAG

A very great lesson for any parents. Giving them everything they want doesn't help them at all.

Very nice story!!

0.004 NEOXAG

Yeah, thanks for stopping by ma'am ❤️

0.000 NEOXAG

That's the result of not training a child properly, Ronald's dad eventually paid the price for overpampering the boy.

That's what the case is in the world today, many wealthy people spoil their children's life in the name of giving them a good life.

0.004 NEOXAG

Exactly! Too bad for having so much wealthy and not getting a child early enough... No excuses to spoil a child though

0.000 NEOXAG

I related to the story, I know a bunch of kids who are very spoilt by their parents and they see no crime in it, it can be very annoying. You know how the popular saying goes train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

I think it is our duty as growing parents to teach the next generation of kids how to behave well. You know I love your stories, good write as always

0.004 NEOXAG

I'm glad you enjoyed my story, had a little hard time coming up with a story for the prompt... Glad it turned out well 😁

0.012 NEOXAG

Oh, I enjoyed this story a lot. I am happy to read a good final, where Ronald changes in a best way.
This situation is frequent actually, at least where I live. It is sad and it will have serious consequences.
Thank you for sharing this in DreemPort. 🤗

0.004 NEOXAG

I'm glad you enjoyed my story 😊 thanks for leaving a comment, indeed this happen in our society today.

0.000 NEOXAG

Am glad, Ronald changed before it was too late. Having a child after year's of childless is no excuse to spoil a child. Every child should be raise well irrespective of the circumstances surrounding their birth.
Thank you so much for this story, it has thought me to never spoil a child.

0.004 NEOXAG

That is right! They think having a child after years of childlessness is an excuse to give their child what ever they want.

Thanks for stopping by 🙂

0.000 NEOXAG

Ronald's parents will eat the cake they baked. Not that we should not give our children the best but we should be mindful of doing it the negative way.

Thanks for sharing

0.004 NEOXAG

Exactly! They did it wrongly and let it get out of hand... Too bad for them

0.019 NEOXAG

Most of the silver spoon children always have a regret at the end. Life is more complex compared to the way we see it.
The story is so interesting with good morals to learn from it.

If you wouldn't mind check this out 👇

Mr Mike was a little worried but he couldn't dare take Mike to any college in his own city, they were all of too low ranking for his son's college life.

0.004 NEOXAG

Oh thanks so much for that correction 😊

0.000 NEOXAG

You are welcome dear 😊

0.000 NEOXAG

What a big difference proper training would have made in Ronald's life earlier on. Thank God his parents realised their error. I saw your post via dreemport.

0.004 NEOXAG

Yeah, thanks to you and to Dreemport 😊

0.000 NEOXAG

This is a good lesson for parent who thinks they can't discipline their child at an early stage of life. They will live to reap the consequences of every action.

0.004 NEOXAG

This is an unexpected ending. But you have to think the best about people. God endowed us with a conscience, regardless of our experiences we are capable of letting good flourish 🌸😉

0.004 NEOXAG

Yeah sure! Thanks for stopping by ❤️

0.000 NEOXAG

You have received 7 days upvote from campusgistars community for winning the week 13 engagement. Thanks for your participation, to join us on campusgistars please click this link

0.000 NEOXAG

Where do you find the time and determination to write so much creative stuff? 😁

Ronald sounds like he needed a good bit of sorting out! Glad he changed his ways. We really don't need any more Ronalds in the world! 😅

I found this via Dreemport ❤️

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you for posting in The Ink Well, but please take note of our rules, which are posted at the top of The Ink Well community home page. We do not curate stories based on violence or abuse.

All we ask is that writers on The Ink Well stay away from these themes. @merit.amaha we love your writing but a child prone to arson who, in the end, causes his father to have a heart attack is an abusive story line. You are welcome to edit your story for curation if you think that you can. We always welcome your pieces. However, these are immutable rules that we must apply equally to everyone.

0.000 NEOXAG

So sorry for the inconvenience I caused with the story, I made the corrections or is there more I have to do?

0.000 NEOXAG