Health Myths, Legends & Laugh-Out-Loud Moments: Ridiculous Health Tips

Ever had that moment when you feel weak and sick but somehow, you burst into a laughter you can't control? It's a good thing to laugh and you might actually feel more lively when you laugh at a time like that but the main focus for this post is, what could have been the reason for those laugh-out-loud moments? it's a whole lot of stories.

For someone who has fallen sick of different things ranging from little ones like face acnes, hair growth, skin cares to more serious ones like stomach pains, malaria and fever, there have been a lot of funny remedies that had me laughing. While some turned out good, many were just so ridiculous to think of as remedies.


I still can not forget the day my aunt ran to the bathroom to pour almost a full sachet of salt into my bath water that I use it to take my bath. It was during the corona virus era, a lot of us came out of the bathroom looking so white like snow back then 😂 I kept laughing as I was taking my bath because I had been coughing too much that day.

We never got to find out who brought that myth to prevent corona virus but yes, bathing without salt then was a sin you must not commit. We joked about it a lot but still did it anyways, at least to avoid being isolated unnecessarily. It's amazing how a lot of these funny myths, sick people tend to do them just in case it works.

One time in my life, I had very rough skin and my face had big and dark spotty acnes. It was so bad that it drew attention of anyone close by and it felt like the whole world wanted to help me out to have a smooth face 😅 "Use warm water daily", "use this medicated soap", "stop using your hands on your face", "avoid this" were just a few.

The most ridiculous one I got for my face acnes then was "Wet your worn panties and use it to rub your face before bathing". Hell no! I couldn't even imagine doing it but I laughed so hard when I first heard the person suggest it. It was from an elderly woman so I laughed with style assuring her that I'll do it, I couldn't, it was so ridiculous.


My dad have calm down now but before, he'd suggest "covering a big cloth over yourself into a bowl with hot water", it was said that the heat from it relieves one of cold fever. This was a ridiculous suggestion to us back then because of how one would look while doing it... Know those masked ghost and the screaming that follows when the heat is too much for the person lol.

What about my constant stomach aches? Back then, I had to stop eating so many things no thanks to many suggestions I got for the aches to stop but the one ridiculous one that had me rolling was "Your tummy is too flat, grow a big tummy and it will stop", so funny I couldn't understand where the thought even came from.

Let me not even go far talking about food combinations that have been considered legendary bad for health and people are scared to even try to see if it's true or not lol. My dad will say I have stomach aches because I don't eat my onions sliced or because I eat meals that are not coloured (vegetable oil instead of palm oil) 😂

In all of these ridiculous health tips, I've dared myself to do some and they turn out well for me, but honestly, most of them just ended up being so ridiculous and remain that way for me. There are a lot more I didn't write about now because I don't remember some but seriously, someone has to stop these people from giving ridiculous health tips, I mean, who is teaching them really!

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This Country would make you do things you list expect , gradually turning you into a witch doctor , and have many remedies to help clients in future 😂😂🤷🏿‍♀️
The salt for Covid 19 was a general thing though, the recommendation from my end was a different recipe 🤷🏿‍♀️😂


Lol witch doctor is the right name 😂
I wonder what different recipe it was.


Hahaha. The salt and water during Corona time everyone in my family did it, thinking about it now how does using salt and water prevents Virus. The Covering yourself with big clothes over a bowl of herbs yes I did that too. I think it worked sef or maybe it's a mind thing. That wet pants on the face. Heck noooo. 😀😀


It's a big heck no o
I think it was a mind thing for that covering cloth routine lol


Haha, it's funny to hear that you over-bathed salt water, haha. Although, that deadly virus was over taking lives, omo, but I never believed it was real though, lol. Thank God, we are safe from it by the way.


I never believed it was real too, or I thought it was over exaggerated than what it really was. Well, it's great we're safe now.


I think there are lots of ridiculous health tip and sometimes I also think how it's possible people are so creative for such kind of things. Some tips even harmful for us also. Fortunately, we don't follow all those tips blindly.


Lol I wonder where the creativity come from too, it's best not to follow every kind of tips even if they mean well for you.


Hahaha funny but sometimes it works how do they stop is just trying luck that can as well kill😊😆
