Exploring Hive Wallet Features From My Perspective



I thought for a while what I could possibly share that isn't known by many already and I reminded myself that there's nothing wrong in sharing what people may have known already as we never know the next person that could learn about it for the time. And I also thought this would be an opportunity to have a post for reference when the people I onboard to Hive ask some questions about their Hive wallets.

Luckily for me and thanks to the person who introduced me to Hive, I got a good knowledge of my Hive wallet early enough to know how to go about it and do some little investment for more profits. I'd say the Hive wallet is like a bank for every Hive user considering the many activities that goes on there if you're the active kind of user.

Hive wallet 1.png
A screenshot of my wallet

The Hive wallet is found in most dapps (peakD, ecency, Hive.blog and others) although some dapp are more focused on their native token like Leofinance new user interface. But with peakD or ecency, you could do so much on your wallet and this is why I'm writing this post. To share how I run my wallet on regular basis, they might not be professional as I'm very sure I still have a lot to learn but I'm sure this guide will come in handy for any who is yet to know about all this.

There are many activities that goes on in our Hive wallet... Claiming rewards, powering up, converting HBD to Hive, transferring for gifting or withdrawals, delegating and a lot more that I may not remember at the moment. I'd like to add that my favourite activity is powering up, buying second layer tokens and making withdrawals when I have a need offline lol.

One of the features I'd like to share is the Hive Power & Resource Credit delegation.

Hive wallet 2.png

This feature was recently added to the peakD frontend and has helped a lot of persons who bring in new users a lot. Delegating Hive power means giving them power to vote and make contents. While some delegate to earn votes or payout rewards, some delegate to help newbies engage without restrictions. But with this new feature on peakD, you wouldn't need to delegate Hive power anymore to newbies as delegating resource credit (RC) serves the same purpose.

As you can see on the screenshot, I have delegated to four account good amounts of RC, it doesn't affect my vote value or power to publish contents and it also helps them stay engaged on Hive with no worries. Imagine delegating that much in Hive power, it is definitely going to lower my curation rewards which I do not want.

Another feature I'd like to share is converting your HBD to Hive

Hive wallet 4.png

Should in case you have HBD and you want to convert them to Hive for power up or maybe withdrawal as binance or most exchanges you might possibly do not recognize HBD, you would need to do some conversion on the Hive frontend before you send it out and that is where this guide comes in. First thing I'd always emphasize on to the newbies I help is:

Use the trade option, do not convert directly.
As it is faster to use the trade option but it takes three days when you convert directly.

Hive wallet 3.png

Using the trade option got a little complex on peakD as it takes you to this but it really is simple so long you're logged in. You only need to click on the arrow at the middle to regulate which token you would want to convert, from HBD to Hive or Hive to HBD. Although I always prefer to use ecency frontend for my conversion as it is much easier to understand and make use of so I'd recommend that for you too.

One more feature I'll like to share is Swapping Hive to swap.hive

Hive wallet 5.png

You'll have use for this when you want to buy some second layer tokens like Leo, Bro, LGN Dhedge and many other tokens (I do invest in these ones too). You can't buy tokens on Hive without swap Hive and that is why Beeswap is very useful. I have this page opened regularly as I'm a huge fan of second layer investments.

You should note that you can convert from Hive to swap.hive and from swap.hive to Hive with a little difference as tiny charges are taken. There is also a whole world of learning in using these swap.hive to buy tokens using the Hive engine market.

There is always something new to learn so I'd appreciate your comments to teach more and I hope this also serve some help to some of you, the pleasure is mine hehe.

First image was designed here
Screenshots made by me from Hive sites



Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 159 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


The information in this post is educative. I would like to learn more about the use of swap.hive and how to buy 2nd layer tokens.


It's actually easy to do that, I copy the link of Hive engine from my wallet and use Keychain browser to log in


Ok. To buy layer 2 tokens?




Thanks. But can you give a clear tutorial on that?


I'm not sure I can here in the comment section, but you do know how to copy your hive engine link right? You just have to go open the link using your Keychain browser and browse for the later 2 token you want to buy or sell


This article is not only useful to newbies, I have been wondering how to buy Leo token and so far I was just staking the ones I get from my @leo.voter Deligation awards. So now I know and thanks to Merit.ahama.

You are a star for taking the time to share this!🌟🌼


Hehe, now I feel so happy I created this post 🤗 glad it came in handy for you.

And you're welcome! 🙂
