A dark day


The day can be very sunny, but we find ourselves in situations that make it look dark.

There are feelings that no matter how much you want to shine, the sun is hidden for it at that moment, questions come, why does this happen? why?

The hours go by, the day is still dark, it seems that clarity does not come, everyone lives their days, some intense, others let it pass.

It seems as if they do not feel it, or do not realize their lives...what they do, why they do it, what they feel, why they feel it...it can be said that they are blind, why blindness, we go very fast without looking where, we do not listen, we do not feel ...

Then, there comes a day when we discover that we can paint that dark day with colors, when we give answers to all the questions...we give sense to what we do, it seems then that the air we breathe begins to have sense in our body, the color of the flowers, the trees in movement, we give sense to all that surrounds us, we feel that every step we take, if it has sense, we leave the hurry, we listen more, we feel more.

Those dark days when they come, we have to detect them and stop immediately to give them light and continue moving forward...not to stay with the black cloud over the head, if possible to move it away and pull the sun to illuminate.

There are people who have a little or a lot of difficulty...you must look at what surrounds you or who surrounds you, what topics of conversations are around you...how to change that...change is the step from darkness to clarity. You have to make decisions: stay in the clarity.

What actions would you take when you feel in the dark?

Just sit there? lie there? see who comes and changes you?

Well, the change is of each being who sits in the darkness, to look well...to remember moments of light in your life, to get to put a smile on your face, no matter how hard you feel what is happening. Awaken, feel your own power, strength, inner fire that makes you come out of there...discover the value of your inner power and do not let the dark days present themselves, if they do use those moments and that power found within you to move forward on your path of life to continue discovering that path that has been assigned to you to continue growing.

How many paths and well illuminated days come when that moment of awakening arrives...to put aside the darkness, but never forget that it exists and without realizing it can take over every sunny day and turn it dark for a moment of foolishness.

Are you ready to wake up?
What is the meaning of awakening for you?
What is for you a dark day, a day of clarity?

We are walking and discovering, step by step, being able to change directions to reach that moment of not wanting to leave clarity anymore, just to look, to accompany others who need that light to be enlightened and to find themselves, with themselves, with you, with others.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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