Good One : A Freewrite


The guy that thought me how to write proper typescript in react native on YouTube
It’s actually necessary if you want to type your images for import
Add another snipped of this code below and replace .jpg with .png if that's what are using when you actually try to display an image,you get proper typings to the location of the image?
Yeah, for typescript to recognize it
anything actually, theres the one for svgs
🤔 if you do this for svg would you still need that svg-transformer config? cause svg-transformer uses metro.config.js and the code is a bit longer that this one
Because I normally do the two for svg
yeah both, the svg transformer is to use the svg Svg ne as a component directly
This looks good. UI especially. Few questions. I went through the contract. What is the cost of saving the cpaigns in storage?
a simple logic function that would call itself again and again if the condition is not met
Why is my react native build always failing abi should I switch back to normal navigation
With what I've done so far, It only just calls itself twice and that's all
Maybe installation compatibility
Do you want it to keep calling till the user accepts?
The stuff just keep failing
Uninstall what you install last
You can use a useEffect to always prompt the user to accept each time the user comes to that screen
And build again and see
And moreover it will say what went wrong, read your terminal message
If the permission is necessary for that screen to function, send them back to the previous screen when the reject giving permission
When i go to the eas terminal the errors is all coming from node module
It's good, ooo
