White Daisy Flowers in Bloom photography with phone camera
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim,
Hello my dear friends,
good afternoon,
how are you all I hope that everyone is well and healthy by the mercy of Allah Subhanataala. Alhamdulillah by the mercy of Allah Subhanataala I am also well and healthy. Today I present to you some photographs of white flowers taken by my phone camera which look very small.
I am going to start today's article by describing the three flowers. The flowers blooming at the same time is not really seen but sometimes we see it. Today I saw three White Daisy Flowers in Bloom. This white daisy flowers blooming at the same time looks very beautiful and flowers. The yellow coating inside the round enhances the beauty of the flower.
Usually, these flowers bloom around the house without any maintenance, their smell is not very sweet, but they look very beautiful.
I have taken the pictures in clear form with the front camera of the phone. The pictures are so beautiful because of increasing the guidance of the phone.
In addition to three flowers, there is a flower blooming from far away in front of my bicycle wheel. Then I saw that if I took a picture of the bicycle wheel and flower together, it would be better.
So friends, this is today's White Daisy Flowers in Bloom Photo. I hope you like it. If you like it, please let me know through comments. I hope that everyone will be fine and healthy. I hope that God bless you all.