Life After Debt: My Biggest Financial Leap


The Dream of Becoming Your Own Boss

The Decision to Take a Study Leave

The official promotion system for government employees is generally portrayed as a structured and merit-based process. On paper, this system is designed to recognize and reward those who demonstrate the necessary skills, achievements, and potential for higher responsibilities. Criteria such as tenure, performance evaluations, continuing education, and successful completion of qualification exams are primary benchmarks meant to ensure that promotions are fairly awarded to the most deserving candidates.

After working for five years at a government agency without receiving a promotion despite my qualifications, I decided to apply for a study leave. Throughout my time at the agency, I had consistently demonstrated my skills and dedication to my work. However, despite my qualifications, I found myself stagnating in my position, unable to progress further in my career. This realization prompted me to reflect on my long-term goals and the steps I needed to take to achieve them.

I was grateful when my application for a study leave was approved. I enrolled Ph.D. in Psychology at Silliman University to strengthen my credentials.

(Photos with my classmates and professors in the graduate school)

Financial Challenges of Unsubsidized Education

Deciding to pursue further education without a scholarship is a challenging choice. I chose to take a study leave because I wanted to advance my career and recognized that additional education could help me achieve the promotion I desired.

My main goal was to close the gap between my current job and my long-term career aspirations. I felt stuck in my position, and despite my qualifications, moving up seemed difficult. At this crossroads, I struggled with the decision to risk my financial stability for the sake of career growth. The thought of giving up a steady income to pay for school was daunting.

Entrepreneurial Journey

My study leave helped a lot in my preparation for an advocacy and a business at the same time. Aside from these, I have more time with my family. I cherished the moments I spent with my daughter as she hurdled milestones in her life.

I launched a business that provides both online and onsite psychological testing for academic admissions, employment in leading industries, and on-the-job training (OJT) requirements. My goal is to assist students and young professionals who often travel over 100 kilometers to access these essential services. Please visit for more information.

However, doing business becomes increasingly difficult when competitors do not follow ethical and professional standards. Some of these unethical practices include failing to provide receipts, using counterfeit materials, and employing unlicensed examiners. Such actions create an uneven playing field where businesses that adhere to ethical guidelines struggle to compete.

Unfortunately, many customers opt for these cheaper alternatives, often unaware of the ethical implications and potential risks associated with such services.

When Death and Debt Came

One of the main reasons I took a study leave was to care for my ailing father. Just four months into my leave, he was hospitalized. As the only child living with him, I felt a deep responsibility to ensure he received the care he needed. Unfortunately, he slipped into a coma. For several days, my father remained in a coma without any signs of improvement. The hospital environment was not conducive to his recovery, and the doctors informed us that he didn’t have much time left. Our family decided to bring him home to provide him with comfort and dignity.

I spent my days working on my graduate school requirements while keeping vigil by his side. It was during this time that he took his last breath at the age of 89.

After my father was laid to rest, I faced the daunting task of settling the financial obligations I had incurred during his illness. Overwhelmed by grief and financial strain, I struggled to cope.

My modest salary was insufficient to cover the expenses, and negative thoughts began to cloud my mind. I even considered abandoning my studies altogether.

Despite these challenges, I knew I had to find a way through this difficult period and honor my father's memory by continuing my education.

Life After Debt: Reflections and Future Plans

This journey out of debt will come to an end sooner or later. This challenging experience has given me the chance to reevaluate my financial strategies. I am now open to all sources of income and have become more active in the Hive blockchain. Additionally, I have ventured into the real estate business and started my own organic garden to ensure a steady supply of healthy food.

I am confident that I will emerge from this difficult period stronger and better equipped to achieve my dreams.

Need Psychological Testing for Employment, Promotion, Internship or OJT? Please visit

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What a great and touching story. I pray and wish for you a life free from debt soon. Sorry about your father. I hope you get to come out victorious soon.


The 39 year old man meme really cracked me up😂😂😂
