A Surprising Experience: My Unexpected Journey Through the New Splinterlands Voucher Shop


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Since I started playing this exciting card game, I have always played in the Wild Ranked Battles format. The freedom to use a vast array of cards from all sets keeps the gameplay engaging and unpredictable.

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I felt disheartened when the introduction of the "Wild Pass" made playing in the Wild format more expensive for me. Fortunately, the option to pay using Vouchers proved to be quite helpful, as I had accumulated a number of them along the way.

Image Source RiCrypto

Past Forward!

I am always excited seeing Splinterlands continues to evolve. With the implementation of Splinterlands Voucher System Overhaul (article here) there will be increased utility of DEC. The removal of voucher-based discounts will shift the focus towards using DEC, thereby increasing its utility within the game. This change encourages players to engage more with DEC, fostering a more dynamic in-game economy.

Experiencing the Newly Opened Splinterlands Voucher Shop

I was reading updates in our #RicePh group when I came across a post by @sudeon here

I immediately checked how many vouchers I had left and was disappointed to see only 20. To boost my balance, I converted some of my Hive, SPS, and DEC into vouchers. I intended to buy 25 cards to secure a GF Mana Warden, but I only managed to purchase 3.

I can’t believe my luck! With my modest 3-card purchase, I scored an incredible haul with 2 RF and 1 GF Mana Warden—what a fantastic addition to my collection.

Mana Warden.png

What are you waiting for? Step into the newly opened Voucher Shop and unlock a world of thrilling possibilities! The newly launched Voucher Shop is bursting with exciting opportunities. Explore the latest offerings and unlock incredible rewards with every purchase!

Posted using Splintertalk



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