The uncovered...
In this present discourse, I am pleased to present a video showcasing excerpts from the recently concluded computer science quiz, organized by the Hive Blockchain at Knust University. The video features interviews with several students who were randomly selected to express their perspectives on Hive and Web3 technology. It is important to note that these students in Ghana may have limited knowledge or no prior exposure to Web 3 technology. Therefore, our primary objective is to provide them with comprehensive education about the workings of the blockchain.
We extend our gratitude to all those who have supported the community's efforts in fostering a more robust understanding of blockchain among students in Ghana. Together, we are working towards making the field of blockchain accessible and beneficial to aspiring scholars in the region.
▶️ 3Speak
This is amazing bro
This is really interesting. I hope there would be a clip on how the bite battle went. Can't wait to see if there was actually tension.😄
This is so amazing....I am a student of University of Ghana and sadly most students on my campus are clueless on web3 is it possible for such a program to be extended to University of Ghana? And how do I get in contact with you please?
This is so amazing....I am a student of University of Ghana and sadly most students on my campus are clueless on web3 is it possible for such a program to be extended to University of Ghana? And how do I get in contact with you please?
This is so amazing....I am a student of University of Ghana and sadly most students on my campus are clueless on web3 is it possible for such a program to be extended to University of Ghana? And how do I get in contact with you please?