Equipping individuals with a career.


Africa is among the few regions on the planet where several inhabitants have not reaped the benefits of formal education. Many people get a degree without the intention of pursuing a long-term career in a certain technical skill. Of course, they are vital, but it's also critical that individuals learn how to communicate themselves and how other people think so that they can cope with them.

The youth should perhaps understand their value as individuals, not simply as employees. Too much of the world spends too much time attempting to justify why certain individuals are more valuable than others, whether because of gender, colour, religion, or any number of other factors. Many people have suffered greatly as a result of pursuing formal education at the price of a technological vocation.

There is no surprise that in Ghana, people with a technical talent or vocation are able to earn a decent living while so-called graduates struggle to find work. It is time to assist the youth in paying great attention to technical training as one of the finest ways to get a professional job. It is really inappropriate when people have great regard for graduates while ignoring individuals in the technical area.

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Thank to the hive ecosystem for assisting in the creation of the hive borehole programme in Ghana. The people with technical skills have profited greatly from the continuing endeavour via this initiative. Their technological talents are in high demand in society, making work accessible at all times. I want to emphasise that individuals must begin to consider feeding themselves with technical training into anything that may provide them with a career rather than relying just on formal education or schooling.


Hi, friend.

According to you, many people take a degree to obtain a degree, but not because it is their inspiration to get a job, a university degree is very important to forge a good future, as the saying goes, it does not matter to be a shoemaker if not to be the best .

Greetings and thanks for sharing your article.


Amd thanks for your addition.
