It is up to us to change so that the world will change: WEEK 224

Greetings Hivers. Today I join the Weekend-Engagement: Week 224, in the initiative promoted by @galenkp, choosing the topic about:


If you have 30 minutes to speak and the entire world was listening to you, what would you say and why? Use your own photos.

If I had the great privilege of being heard for 30 minutes by the whole world, it is an opportunity that I have to make the most of because from what I say I can impact lives, change destinies, impose lifestyles.

To have such an opportunity is a miracle, and with the conviction that it will happen only once in a lifetime, that's why I wouldn't waste time, I wouldn't beat around the bush, I wouldn't make political speeches, I'd get to the point.

30 minutes is enough time to get my message to the world, and not fall into a lot of detour, I would simply say, the power is in us, we are absolutely responsible for what happens to us, where we are, how we are, and with whom we are, that everything we propose we can achieve, it is only that we nail it in the soul with faith, and begin to implement the plan of activities to achieve our goals, that nothing will come from heaven, everything we want we can achieve as long as we work it, and we activate us to execute those plans.


No es culpa del entorno, del gobierno lo que sucede, solo de nosotros, esta en nostros cambiar para que el mundo cambie, si comenzamos a quejarnos, a odiar, no vamos a llegar a nada, todo esos sentimientos negativos tenemos que alejarlos y asi vamos a vivir en paz todos, no nos aferremos a lo material, las diferencia de clases, colores, poder, esto lo que trae es guerra, seamos felices con lo que somos, y si no nos gusta nuestra realidad tenemos el poder de cambiarla, el secreto esta en nostros, seamos mas activos, que reactivos.

Let's start from home, let's make the world change from home, and it will be a chain effect. We will all change, among neighbours, friends, co-workers, the fault is not of the environment, it is of us.

Let's change so that the world changes, because we are the world, forget the complaints, the wars, the social differences, the differences of colour, that doesn't do us good, that takes away our life, by changing our attitude everything will change for the better.


Gentlemen, don't waste your time trying to change the person next to you, change yourself and you will see how everything changes, it is time, let's make this world the world we dream of, leaders, government leaders, let's stop the wars, the differences, let's make the world, and our time in it, the best, time goes by very quickly.


All content is authored by me.
Pictures taken with my HONOR X6a Plus
Separator and image edited in Canva
Translated with Deepl



Indeed my dear, we need change ourselves first, so we can perceive changes around us.. the power is inside us to achieve what we really want! Greetings ☺️


We have the solution in our hands, we can improve everything if we initiate the transformation in ourselves, we have to do our bit for the best, for what does no harm, we have to be better citizens.



I originally thought of writing on this topic. Then, I reflected on so many personalities who have had the opportunity to address large crowds and have spoken vibrant words and despite all that, we still live in a world full of injustice and inequality.

It is difficult to change people.

That's why I liked your point of view. Let's put our efforts into changing ourselves. When everyone achieves change within themselves, we will have a better world.

Thank you for sharing your ideas, it was a pleasure to read you.🌷


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