Splinterlands - My collection review for Jan 23


One month into 2023 I take a look at what I have added in my card collection for Jan 2023 and what I plan to do for the months to follow.

My Added Summoners

My biggest purchase for the month had to be the three summoners I added all for under $300. Looking back it appears I made a reasonable buy on them since all three combined are now worth more than that. In any case the cards have helped me keep up in gold foil league and I remain focus on staying in gold for the foreseeable future.

Reward Cards

I have to say initial impression of new soul bounds cards have definitely reduced my rental earnings. I am losing about 40% on average of my daily dec income on rentals. It’s not getting any better with Dec becoming more scarce.

For the month I was still able to add a max Harklaw, my first, at a reasonable price. However with limited dec on rental earnings and card prices rising I don’t plan on added more reward cards. Instead I will be relying on the soul bound reward cards to fill up the void.

Chaos Adds

Although I am no where near a max chaos set I had added a couple higher level cards to my collection. I am getting closer to a gold league set of chaos lol.

I have little to none liquidity left to purchase more so moving forward I am saving up for bigger purchases. This will mean I will likely not be added new Chaos cards for the foreseeable future. The only possibility I see is if somehow I was lucky to pull some sps in reward chests to convert it into dec and spend. Without reselling reward cards for dec it just means less overall for the rest of the active players.

Overall I can see the less activities now that reward cards are bound to the account they were earned. In all likelihood this takes out majority of bot accounts but leaves a lot less demand on rentals. In turn less income for card owners like me. I remain optimistic that this is transitory and that rental demands will pick up as more real players get into the game.

More players may join now that bots are no longer hoarding reward cards. Meanwhile what ever liquidity I am earning I continue to stack or save in liquidity pools. I am hoping my gradual increase in liquidity will be enough for next time chaos cards appear to be at a discount.

Until next time thanks for reading!!!


If you want to play splinterlands then SignUp Here

I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

mawit07 rentals

If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!



i hope a littel later rentals go back to normal atleast near:)
is liquidity pools better than just stake sps?


I hope rentals go back up too but right now I think liquidity pools are better than sps staking since price of the tokens are near lows. Liquidity pool I use is dec:sps but caution not use liquidity pools if you think price of either token would fall because it will lose portion of your tokens. Check out impermanent losses for using liquidity pools. !LUV !PIZZA


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It's tough to get liquidity now that the rental market has kind of collapsed. Either way, your collection looks pretty good and I still need to work on my own chaos deck.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes but at least hive is rising pulling dec higher. Hopefully less dec to buy cards. !LOL !WINE
