

FACT: Stress heightens allergies

Allergies are a very common thing, in fact over 30% of the world population are affected by one form of allergy or the other. It could be reaction to food, insect bite, pollen or anything that triggers one's immunity.

Allergies have been described as an "overreaction" of the immune system to things that would have been otherwise unharmful.

Stress refers to the body's response to that which alters the normal balance in one's life.

Coming down with an allergic reaction can cause one to become stressed out. However, it's important to note that stress prior to an allergic reaction can also worsen the allergy. And that is proven FACT!

Stress and allergies work hand in hand. Allergies can lead to stress and stress can worsen allergies.

The stress response is a form of the body's natural. Stress hormones can ramp up the already exaggerated immune system response to allergens." In other words, if you're feeling stressed for any reason, you may find yourself dealing with worse allergy symptoms than usual.

While stress doesn't actually cause allergies, it can make an allergic reaction worse by increasing the histamine in your blood.

When you're all stressed out, your body releases hormones and chemicals, including histamine, which leads to allergy symptoms. .

So the next time you feel your allergic reactions are worse than normal then you're probably stressed.

Although stress can worsen an allergy, it is only human to think stress management can help reduce allergies. proven to directly. However, the relationship between stress and allergies has not been proven to be direct but is a mind-body connection.

However, good stress management can improve one's reaction to allergies psychologically.

Other ways we can manage allergies include exercise daily, getting rest without stress,getting good
counteracts the effects allergic reactions.

Havard health publishing. Is stress making your allergy symptoms worse?.https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/is-stress-making-your-allergy-symptoms-worse. Accessed 4th October, 2022.
Debra Fulghum Bruce, PhD. Stress Relief Strategies to Ease Allergy Symptoms.https://www.webmd.com/allergies/features/stress-and-allergies. Accessed 4th October, 2022.
