My First Love’s Painful Lesson


They say love is crazy and can make you do and undo at the same I remember when getting to fall in love for the first time I can never forget the tragedy that happened during my first dating experience it broke me down it was my worst dating experience that occurred that very day which sometimes if I look at the woman I will be like they are all the same if they love you they stick by you until the very end lets go to the storyline of how it all happened.


I met this girl during my school days in secondary school she was a beauty her beauty knows no boundaries I fell in love with her at first sight and decided to take the first approach we met when my dad was still a cyber cafe owner she was planning to prepare for admission into the university of Edo State (UNIBEN) I was happy then cause I was the one being in charge of controlling the cyber cafe and also I did every necessary paperwork for her to gain admission into the university whenever she come we were tuned in on each other what I meant was getting to know each other and the funniest part was my mom doesn't allow me to hang out with women she was the only one my mom accepted to come and visit me at home,

I was like is this a blessing to me so one day it was getting to Valentine's Day and at the same time after Valentine she got admission into the school my biggest fear was that once she got into the school I might lose her to some guys with rich money might approach her first and snatch her from me yeah I was being afraid of that, so I decided to take her on a date we set a location to a mall which I knew that specific day I was in my best outfit and my big booty timberland ready to take the stand out we moved out that very day had a quality time together, we were heading to where to get something to eat it was then I knew as a guy I had to make my approach and tell her how I felt before the date ended that day.

We ordered food and was waiting for the food to be delivered to us on our table that day I asked about her and she talked get to learn her hobbies, plans and so much more then I took the stage and confess how I feel about her I told her immediately I didn't even waste my time after i confess how I feel towards her she was like shocked and paused for about few minutes and her response was Nah we can't be together cause we about the same age and she has a boyfriend already this statement hit me broken and I replied you have a boyfriend and you still intend to follow me out on a date I mean are you kidding me her replied broke me completely I paid for the food as nice gentlemen and left that place leaving her alone it was not what I wished or how I wish my date should turned out I just felt like a fool wasting my time on her.

Here is my entry to @neoxianprompts 26 non Fiction Story

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Disappointments are part of life, but in defense of the girl, she was brave and told you the truth. There are people who have it worse: believe me, everything is part of life, you learn from everything, although it feels bad to be rejected, you should not take it personally, everything teaches us a lesson

0.000 NEOXAG

Yeah thanks am able to gain one or two wisdom from you

0.000 NEOXAG

It is always painful when love is unrequieted. However, you had no idea that this is the case becausee she came on a date with on Valentine's day. It is odd that she did not want to be with her boyfriend on this special day and inform you before the date that there is someone else. Unfortunately finding out after sharing your feelings is not very nice. However, it is clear that she was not meant for you. The right person for you will come along at the right time.

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That was a huge disappointment there, well it happened and that should teach me a lesson

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