The Struggle To Fit In


The majority of people want to live a good life, have a high-end experience, we see a lot of people around us who are living a luxurious life, they always get what they want, and when we look at ourselves and we see that we cannot live the kind of life they are living, we might be faced with anxiety and depression. In our generation today, societal pressure is a challenge that many people come across in their daily lives, and it's created either a positive or negative impact on our lives, it might affect how we make decisions, our manners of doing things, and even the way we think.

The struggle to fit in

When we think we can not meet up with societal expectations, we seem to have low self-esteem, and we keep doubting ourselves. However, there are good and bad sides to everything, same thing applies to societal pressure. There are NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE sides. One of the positive effects happened during my secondary school days. I was good with other subjects but not mathematics, so when I saw other people who had good grades in mathematics I felt so sad and depressed because my score in the subject was not always encouraging.

I was overwhelmed with the tension of being among the best students in maths, and then the struggle to fit in began, the pressure made me study hard even when I didn't feel like doing anything, and at the end of the struggle, it yielded a good result, the pressure make a positive impact on me to study hard, it's something I'll always be grateful for. Most times I try as much as possible to make use of the positive aspects of societal pressure, and whenever I picture that it will create a negative impact on me, I try to focus on the things I can do, without having to worry about the things I cannot have.

Sometimes, we engage ourselves in things that are not necessary, but we just want to do them because we want to follow the trend in our society. Societal pressure can push us to do well and at the same time, it can have a negative effect on our emotional health, the pressure we can make decisions that we might end up regretting, and all this is for the desire to feel among.

When they see other people living a good life, living a luxurious life, the thought ringing in their head is "Why not me ? It could have been me" forgetting that they passed through sometimes before they could achieve what they wish could be theirs. However, some people are lucky to be born with a silver spoon, and most time, I try as much as possible not to measure their lifestyle with mine, or else I'll be depressed.

Life After My Secondary Education.

As a young teenager, trying to adjust to my environment wasn't easy, there's are a lot of my mates doing big things, and living a luxurious life, they went to a lot of beautiful places to have fun, and whenever I went online, I saw the kind of life they are living, and I always wish it me, I want to feel among, I want to use the type of phone they are using, and also go to the club like my mate, but the biggest problem is that I can do the things they are doing to achieve those things, I can not live a wayward life just like they do, and I can't dare to go to the club, maybe I was able to have a self-control because of the parental training I had, I was more like an introvert, though I have the extrovert part of me.

However, societal pressure can be hard to fight, most times when I sew them, I wish I had something they had, but unfortunately, I can't live the kind of life they are living. As time went on, I got to realize that I have to work diligently to get what I want, even if I don't have it all. I try as much as possible not to be affected negatively by societal pressure. I understand that all fingers are not equal, but that doesn't mean I'll settle for less, I still try my best to do things I can do without succumbing to the pressure that surrounds me.

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Your attitude towards dealing with the negative societal pressure is quite amazing. Diligence is a godly virtue and it's good to believe in yourself to pursue that which the Lord has deposited in your life.


Yeah, and I'm always thankful to God for always showing me the way to do things, because it's not always easy to deal with the pressure, but I tried to stay focus.
Thanks for stopping by.


To maintain a standard you have put out for the general public can be really difficult, being one of the best in maths is not an easy standard to maintain.


You're Right, but just have to fought for the right thing that I know I'm capable of doing. Thanks for stopping by.
I'm sorry for the late response.
