WE145: The Brains.


I have always wondered what draws people to me. What makes me special to them. What exactly is it that endears them to me. Especially when it's the opposite gender I keep wondering what makes them stick with me, even at your lowest points in life. I know many of us don't bother to ask this question but I think knowing what really makes people love or like you will really help you in understanding yourself better. I got one have asked a lot of my friends this question, mind you the females only
And I keep getting one answer.

Now I wouldn't tell if it is a coincidence that this question has been on his mind for quite some time now and on this week's engagement we are asked something similar to it. Also I'll be approaching or tackling this week's engagement in a different manner but at the end I'll still end up answering the question I choose for this week. So just be patient with me, read on and see my reasons for choosing my answer to my selected question.

Maybe I have not received the answer I am hoping for?. Or maybe I'm confused as to the answer I get?, or I don't appreciate enough what people like about me?. Or maybe I am just greedy to want both brains and sexy looks?. Too much maybes'. Because rather than hearing that I am "sexy" or "handsome," my friends have consistently told me that they appreciate my intelligence and my smarts.

Now, I hope I'm not being misunderstood here. Because being intelligent and brainy is one great quality for anyone to have. I mean It is really something one should be proud of, and certainly in our world today filled with people who think they know it all why the don't know half of what living entails, it is something that can be attractive to others. But somehow when I hear this response from my friends, i can't help but feel a little disappointed still. I get a little downcast. I begin to wonder if my looks aren't just good enough in a world filled with beautiful people.

On the other hand I really do not blame myself though for the way I feel. Why? You might ask.

Well the thing is, as a kid growing up I was looking too small for my age. I was made jest of by classmates for being the smallest and shortest in my class. My physical appearance wasn't just like others. I had the tiniest voice, I was the shortest, although the smartest in class. But because of my physical attributes I felt I was cheated by nature. This made me fight with inferiority complex as a kid. So when I still hear people compliment me for the brains and not the look It makes me feel bad. O reminisce on the bad days.

So to answer my choice question for this week's engagement,

Sexy or brainy
It's time to be honest with the blockchain...You can choose only one option only...Do you think you are sexy or brainy? Tell us which it is and why you feel that way in a post of at least 300 words. Remember, you can't be both. Use your own photos please.

I think I'm more brainy than sexy because I've heard a lot of people tell me about it. And you should know that the compliments about you is always genuine if it's coming from the opposite gender.

So yes, I'm the brains not sexy.
