Love for Cocoa -- Your Veggie Shopping (Cocoa - Chocolate).🍫

A special greeting to the entire vegan community, it is a pleasure to be here again, and to be able to participate once again in the excellent vegan challenge that our friend @sirenahippie brings us, in which she invites us to shop for a specific food product and share our experiences, this week is luxurious, because the protagonist is so loved by many, chocolate, who doesn't like chocolate? haha, I particularly love chocolate, it has been my faithful companion, in moments of sadness, also when I need a little energy at work, I always carry a bar of chocolate with me, and to prepare desserts, chocolate will always be the favorite, also Venezuela is a cocoa-producing country, one of the best in the world, according to some people. So, I couldn't stop participating this week, and I went for my chocolate.

In the city where I live, Cumana, Edo. Sucre-Venezuela, it is not very common to find vegan chocolate, they are usually found with milk, or mixed, for this purchase, I went to a supermarket that on occasions I have seen several vegan, gluten-free, special diet products, among others, So I went to Hato Gril, it is a very nice supermarket, they have a wide variety of imported and national products, in terms of chocolate I found a great variety and to my surprise I was able to find several, which have a high percentage of cocoa, are gluten-free , and the second ingredient is sugar.

As you can see, the organic cocoa powder has a slightly high price, compared to the other brands, but I thought it was excellent, and it seems to be of very good quality, I decided to buy the LaRoka 70% chocolate. cocoa, I bought it to give it to my mother, because she loves this type of chocolate, she always tells me to buy it, that it has 70 or 100% cocoa, the doctor recommended it, he told her that it is an excellent antioxidant, in addition it prevents cerebrovascular diseases, it helps his brain stay active, for his age it is important to consume this type of chocolate, so I am always on the lookout to buy him one of these bars, and when possible I also buy for myself haha.

In addition to the chocolate bar for my mom, I bought the dark chocolate drops, which I love, I use them a lot when I prepare cakes or cupcakes, they give a special touch to any dessert, these drops come in a container, and I prefer to keep them in the fridge, so I prevent ants or another animal from entering it, and I think it keeps better, I like to keep cocoa powder in a jar with its lid, out of the fridge, but in a cool place, and the Chocolate bars I also keep in the fridge.

I also share some images where you can appreciate the most common chocolates in the city, they are some of the best sellers and the truth is that they have a special flavor.


This was my participation, as always, it's great to be able to share this experience with everyone, see you in the next one, blessings.

All images are my property.

Thank you for reading and supporting my post💗.


It's great to see various kinds of chocolate in the shop.

You are very lucky to have a shop that is complete with various types of delicious chocolate there.


Hello friend, the truth is that they have many types of chocolates, and all of them are very good, the one I bought is excellent. Thanks for stopping by, regards.


Hola @marivic10!

Esa tienda es un sueño de chocolate, jajajajaja, realmente hay tanta variedad, que es difícil elegir. Me pareció muy acertada tu compra, y también comprendo que conseguir chocolate vegano es muy difícil, ya que los estándares para considerar a un chocolate 100% vegano son muy altos, y muy pocas marcas están certificadas a nivel mundial. Por esta razón, en las bases del concurso fuimos flexibles y no exigimos chocolate vegano, porque sabemos que les será muy difícil encontrarlo, siendo quizás la única alternativa, recurrir a productores locales que siembren cacao bajo criterios agroecológicos y lo procesen de forma artesanal, pero eso no sería viable para muchos.

Quería también agregar, que Venezuela es la cuna del cacao. Fue en nuestras tierras en donde surgió el cacao, no en México, y esto está demostrado por estudios científicos. Aquí está el origen y aún se conserva el mejor cacao del mundo, su ADN es celosamente cuidado por algunos productores. Nuestro cacao es tan extraordinario, que con sólo agregar el 5% de cacao puro venezolano a una mezcla de chocolate de baja calidad, esta adición corrige su sabor, aromas, profundidad y eleva su calidad. Por eso, nuestro cacao es un producto de nuestra tierra, del cual debemos sentirnos muy orgullosos y tratar de conocerlo cada día más.

Me pareció estupenda tu participación, gracias por aceptar el reto vegano. Tu entrada es la primera.


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