Enjoying a delicious coffee, with my favorite person. - The Coffee Shop Prompt Week 71

Greetings my coffee lovers, I hope you are feeling very well, and this week has been successful, I am here to answer the question proposed by our friends from the @cinnccf team, in the initiative: The Coffee Shop Prompt week 71, I tell you, who is the person with whom I most enjoy sharing a cup of coffee? Normally when I go for a cup of coffee, I look to relax and recharge my batteries, and I think that enjoying a delicious cup of coffee with our favorite person is even better. Being able to enjoy that taste of coffee, with a company that you like, is one of the good things in life haha.

One of the people with whom I most enjoy sharing a pleasant moment while enjoying a delicious cup of coffee is my husband. On this occasion I am sharing with you a day when we were shopping for food for the house. We went to a supermarket that It is great, because it has a cafeteria, which also has a good reputation for its exquisite coffees, this makes it more beautiful hahaha, in this my husband and I are accomplices, nothing better than going out to do errands and take the opportunity to enjoy a coffee, After looking for all the products we needed, we left our cart with the food aside, and we went to the restaurant and ordered two cups of coffee, to enjoy the flavor of these coffees.

We ordered two cappuccinos, and we took a break, among so many things that are presented, and that have to be done in a day, it is always wonderful to take a few minutes, to share, and reduce stress a little, another of the reasons why we We sat down to enjoy this delicious coffee because it was the season of football games, and well, my husband is a fan, so I obliged him, to stay for a while watching the game, while we savored this delicious coffee, the place was quite busy, many people enjoying their drinks and watching the game, this is how all home shopping should be haha, calm, and relaxed, and accompanied by a good cup of coffee.

I say goodbye my friends, it was a pleasure to participate in this great initiative, and to be able to share this beautiful day with my favorite person to share a delicious coffee, see you next time, blessings.

Thank you for reading and supporting my posts💗

All images are my property


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Greetings my friends from... it is always a pleasure to stop by here, I will gladly be reviewing the community rules again, if I have made any mistake, I apologize.


Coffee with our loved ones is always a great combo. Not ony shopping but everything should be accompanied by coffee. haha


Hello friend, I agree with you, it would be perfect if everything came accompanied by a good coffee hahaha. Thanks for stopping by, greetings.
