Female Ocean Healer Kawaii- Holozing Fan-Art! [ESP/ENG]

Female Ocean Healer! 🌊✨

Saludos comunidad de Holozing, espero se encuentren muy bien. ✌️
Les comparto esta pequeña ilustración de esta sanadora pero versión kawaii.
Sigo experimentando con mi estilo por lo que en esta ilustración trate de utilizar tonos un poco mas suaves y no tan saturados como tengo de costumbre, ¡Espero les guste esta versión del personaje!

Greetings Holozing community, I hope you are well. ✌️
I share with you this little illustration of this healer but kawaii version.
I keep experimenting with my style so in this illustration I try to use a bit softer tones and not as saturated as I usually do, I hope you like this version of the character!

Ocean healer female Final.png

Creative Process | Proceso Creativo✏️

Primero utilice una técnica de manchas, esta me ayudo con la pose y forma que tendría el personaje. Esta mancha la fui limpiando y dando forma, en una capa por encima tome un pincel tipo lápiz y comencé a desarrollar al personaje junto con su ropa y todos los detalles que tendría. Por último realice un contorno con una línea mas gruesa para resaltar al personaje.

First I used a stain technique, this helped me with the pose and shape the character would have. This stain was cleaned and shaped, in a layer on top I took a pencil brush and started to develop the character together with his clothes and all the details he would have. Finally I made an outline with a thicker line to highlight the character.


Luego aplique una capa de color claro por todo el contorno del personaje, encima comencé a colocar todos los colores que tendría el personaje, utilizando colores con saturación baja-media.
Después realice la primera capa de sombras las cuales difuminé un poco para que se vieran suaves, también añadí un degradado a su cabello y di color a las sombras.

Then I applied a layer of light colour all around the outline of the character, on top of that I started to place all the colours that the character would have, using colours with low-medium saturation.
Then I made the first layer of shadows which I blurred a bit to make them look soft, I also added a gradient to his hair and gave colour to the shadows.


Posteriormente agregue las iluminaciones al personaje, coloque el fondo de color blanco y realice un circulo, en este realice un pequeño degradado de tonos azules y comencé a trabajar en los ojos y los últimos detalles que tendría la ilustración.

Later I added the illuminations to the character, I placed the white background and made a circle, in this I made a small gradient of blue tones and I began to work on the eyes and the last details that the illustration would have.


Para finalizar decidí agregarle a la camisa del personaje una textura de cuadros y también realice una especie de ondas acuáticas dentro del circulo del fondo, también añadí algo de ruido el cual le dio el acabado que estaba buscando.

Muchas gracias por ver mi contenido y hasta la próxima! 🙏

To finish I decided to add a checkered texture to the character's shirt and I also made some kind of water waves inside the circle in the background, I also added some noise which gave it the finish I was looking for.

Thank you very much for watching my content and see you next time! 🙏

Ocean healer clip.gif

Tools Used | Herramientas Utilizadas:

  • Photoshop CC versión 64 bits
  • Tablet Huion H610 PRO V2



icono Hive nuevo.png

The illustration and separators used in the post are my property.

Translated with DeepL (free versión)


Really It's Amazing Female Ocean Healer Kawaii Drawing Thank you very much for presenting this wonderful drawing to us. Each step is smoothly arranged. I really like this Female Ocean Healer Kawaii drawing.


Thank you very much for your comment my friend!
I'm really glad that you liked my work 🙏


C: I love it, if it's ok with you, set yourself the challenge of making drawings with different brushes every day, (personally this helped me to find the brushes I liked the most)


Thank you very much!
Sounds very interesting about the brushes, until now I hadn't thought about it eheheh!
