Depression! Anxiety! Come out of the closet. Let's defeat the stigmas || Healthy-Bees Week 2 [ENG-ESP]

Depression! Anxiety! Come out of the closet. Let's defeat the stigmas
Cordial greetings to the members of the Healthy-bees Community. Joining the discursive gathering that groups and articulates us on this occasion, which to my deduction is a valuable opportunity, to contribute significance in the understanding, as informers and informed, for their summons to the collective social construction, of two complex and diverse diseases (mental disorders), such as Depression and Anxiety disorder.
Mental disorders are often overshadowed, biased, and severed by the nonsense of stigma. This meeting is a call to get intimate, to raise our actions together with our voices, and thus fight together against misinformation and prejudices that persist today about mental illnesses, contributing to dispel the shadows, favoring a better approach and support to those who demand it in these nosological entities.

Our emotions and feelings congregate a multiverse, dynamic, and complex of representations, which a priori, can make it difficult for us to understand them. I often observe how, in a misguided and fallible way, the dictions: sadness as depression and fear as anxiety disorder are wielded as synonyms. In view of the above, it is peremptory to clarify conceptualizations, which will advocate a friendly and honest understanding.
In the most elementary form, sadness and fear, are in themselves basic emotions, in my understanding at this stage, they are neither good nor bad, they arise as explosive and detonating forms, to generate balance before an eventuality or event, hence their adaptive and accommodating nature, to the environment. If I become aware of sadness and fear through my subjectivity, I transmute them by giving them space and accommodation as feelings.
Already in this representative graph, experts qualify these feelings with contributions of negativity and if I don't get rid of them, keeping them persistent in my thoughts, I will favor their constancy in time and unfortunately, I will be feeding and strengthening them. Sadness and fear will not stop in their eagerness, they will continue assaulting my spaces, running over my daily routine and rhythm of life, kidnapping my rest, and snatching my emotional balance. In these conditions they have already made their metamorphosis, sadness will already be a disease called depression and persistent fear will be called a pathology, anxiety disorder.

Mental illnesses in general and depression and anxiety disorder in particular are worldwide collective health problems, however, their statistics do not generate reliability, the main reason is the stigmatization to which these pathologies are bombarded and harassed day by day. Despite the centuries that have passed, these pathologies continue to be separated and isolated in watertight spaces, discriminating against those who suffer from them and being a source of shame, erasing from memory the fact that it is a pathology exactly like any other. In antithesis to this, the patient assumes risk and in an ill-advised way masking, confining his mental illness to the confinement, covering up, disguising, and making up the symptomatology, suffering and consuming himself rapidly in the disorder, without anyone perceiving what is happening until the outbreak occurs, which can be fatal.
We flow in ruthless and convulsive, labyrinthine and chaotic social territories, where banality, the insubstantial and insipid, is often the predominant thing. Added to this are archaic conceptions and schemes in a society unwilling and hostile to the acceptance of mental illnesses. It is a to-ing and fro-ing of symbolic obstacles, where stigmas over the years have divided, encapsulated, isolated, and labeled implicitly and explicitly those who suffer from these pathologies. It is to go through a multidimensionality corroded by unfair judgments, which devalue and disadvantage these patients, as well as their families. Our healthcare systems do not escape this claim. We require profound changes of substance and not only of form, where health teams also overcome prejudices, giving the opportunity for a more comprehensive, inclusive, and more familiar with the signs, and doctor-patient relationship.
I'm closing my participation, so here's the segment:
Let us show solidarity in the contribution and socialization of experiential knowledge, that which helps us to walk the path of health and wellbeing. We are all necessary, we can all contribute, and every effort matters. You who read my letters and in your reflections, suspect that sadness and/or fear have advanced with dominance and presence in your life, you cry frequently, you find it hard to sleep and you no longer want to share with your loved ones, be careful because you are losing your activities and spaces, sectioning your joy and wellbeing. Do not hide it in your room, do not keep it in the closet, discuss it with your loved ones, or seek specialized help. Remember that we are a physical and mental integrality, our state of health will depend on it.
¡Depresión! ¡Ansiedad! Salgan del clóset. Derrotemos los estigmas.
Saludos cordiales a los miembros de la Comunidad Healthy-bees. Acoplándome a la tertulia discursiva que nos agrupa y articula en esta ocasión, que a mi deducción es una valiosa oportunidad, para aportar significancia en el entender y entenderse, como informadores e informados, por su emplazado convite a la colectiva construcción social, de dos enfermedades (trastornos mentales) complejas y diversas, como lo son la Depresión y el trastorno de Ansiedad.
Los trastornos mentales son con frecuencia ensombrecidos, sesgados y cercenados por los despropósitos de los estigmas. Este encuentro es un llamado a intimarnos, a elevar nuestras acciones junto con nuestras voces y así combatir juntos contra la desinformación y los prejuicios que hoy día persisten sobre las enfermedades mentales, contribuyendo a disipar las sombras, favoreciendo a un mejor abordaje y apoyo a quienes lo demandan, en estas entidades nosológicas.
Nuestras emociones y sentimientos, congregan un multiverso, dinámico y complejo de representaciones, que, a priori, pueden dificultarnos su comprensión. A menudo observo, como de forma desacertada y falible, se esgrimen, como sinonimias, las dicciones: tristeza como depresión y miedo como trastorno de ansiedad. Ante lo referido, es perentorio aclarar conceptualizaciones, lo que abogará a un amigable y honesto entendimiento.
En la forma más elemental, la tristeza y el miedo, son en sí mismas emociones básicas, a mi entender en esta etapa, no son ni buenas ni malas, surgen como formas explosivas y detonantes, para generar equilibrio ante una eventualidad o acontecimiento, de ahí su naturaleza adaptativa y acomodadiza, al entorno. Si la tristeza y el miedo, las conciencio a través de mi subjetividad, las transmuto dándole espacio y acomodo como sentimientos.
Ya en esta representativa grafía, los expertos califican estos sentimientos con aportes de negatividad y si aunado a ello no los deshago y desaguo, manteniéndolos persistentes en mis pensamientos, favoreceré su constancia en el tiempo y lamentablemente los estaré alimentando y fortaleciendo. La tristeza y el miedo, no se detendrán en su afán, seguirán asaltando mis espacios, atropellando mi cotidianidad y ritmo de vida, secuestrando mi descanso y arrebatando mi equilibrio emocional. Ya en esas condiciones han hecho su metamorfosis, la tristeza será ya una enfermedad llamada depresión y el miedo persistente será llamará como patología, trastorno de ansiedad.
Las enfermedades mentales en general, la depresión y el trastorno de ansiedad en particular son problemas de salud colectiva a nivel mundial son problemas de salud colectiva, no obstante, sus estadísticas no generan confiabilidad, la razón principal, es la estigmatización a la que estas patologías son bombardeadas y hostigadas día a día. A pesar de los siglos transcurridos, estas enfermedades siguen siendo separadas y aisladas en espacios estancos, discriminando a quienes las padecen y siendo motivo de vergüenza, borrando de la memoria, el hecho de que es una afección de salud exactamente igual a cualquier otra. En antítesis a ello, el paciente asume con riesgo y de forma desacertada el enmascaramiento, confinando su enfermedad mental al encierro, encubriendo, disfrazando y maquillando la sintomatología, sufriendo y consumiéndose aceleradamente en el trastorno, sin que nadie perciba lo que ocurre hasta que se produce el estallido, que puede ser fatal.
Fluimos en territorios sociales despiadados y convulsos, laberínticos y caóticos, donde la banalidad, lo insustancial e insípido, con frecuencia es lo preponderante. A ello se adicionan, concepciones y esquemas arcaicos en una sociedad indispuesta y enemistada a la aceptación de las enfermedades mentales. Es un ir y venir de obstáculos simbólicos, donde los estigmas a lo largo de los años han parcelado, encapsulado, aislado y etiquetado implícita y explícitamente a quienes padecen estas patologías. Es recorrer una multidimensionalidad corroída por juicios injustos, que desvalorizan y desfavorecen a estos pacientes, al igual que sus familias. No escapan a este reclamo, nuestros sistemas de salud. Requerimos en ellos cambios profundos de fondo y no solo de forma, donde los equipos de salud, también superen prejuicios, dando oportunidad a una relación médico-paciente más integral, inclusiva y más familiarizada con las señales.
Ya cerrando mi participación, así que a continuación te dejo el segmento:
Pinceladas de salud y bienestar Seamos solidarios en el aporte y socialización del conocimiento vivencial, ese que nos ayuda a transitar el camino de la salud y bienestar. Todos somos necesarios, todos podemos aportar, todo esfuerzo cuenta. Tú que recorres mis letras y en tus reflexiones, sospechas que la tristeza y/o el miedo ha avanzado con dominio y presencia en tu vida: lloras con frecuencia, se te dificulta conciliar el sueño y ya no quieres compartir con los tuyos. Ten cuidado porque estás perdiendo tus actividades y espacios, seccionando tu alegría y bienestar. No lo escondas en tu cuarto, ni lo guardes en el clóset, convérsalo con los tuyos, busca ayuda especializada. Recuerda que somos una integralidad física y mental, de ello dependerá nuestro estado de salud.
Nos vemos la próxima semana y no lo olvides ¡Una abeja saludable es una abeja feliz! Esta es mi participación en la Healthy-Bees Weekly Prompt : Week 2
Gracias por su visita. 31 de Enero de 2025

All content is my own unless it is specifically expressed
Translations are done with DeepL Free Edition
Grammar/Spelling checked with Grammarly Free Edition and Google Docs Spellcheck

Todo el contenido es mío a menos que se exprese específicamente
Las traducciones se realizan con DeepL Edición gratuita
Gramática y ortografía revisadas con Grammarly Edición gratuita y Google Docs Corrector ortográfico

If you want to know a little bit more about me, here I leave a review.
Si desea conocer un poco más de mí, aquí dejo una reseña.
As someone who experiences both depression and anxiety, I love everything you discuss here. Luckily I sought out and have been receiving good care, but still have challenges. I guess the good thing is that I recognize I have them and willing to fight to overcome em'. Thank you for writing this.
Hello dear @coinjoe. My thanks for joining the sharing of experiences, expressing your experiences with these nosological entities. I welcome your recovery, a clear expression of your healthy state. As you say, you mastered the stigmas and sought help, which contributed favorably to your triumphant convalescence. You have become aware with commitment and responsibility that keeping your health at term depends mainly on your actions, aided by the support of specialists and the helping hand of family and friends. I value and esteem your strength reflected in your strengthened self-esteem, to take on challenges and challenges, with the intention of not giving in and preserving your health. You are an example of what is possible, from inner love. Here you have a friend ready to support you whenever you need it. Health and wellness to you and yours !LUV !BBH !PIZZA
@coinjoe, @marilour(1/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
Thank you so much @marilour !
Thank you for shedding light on such an important topic. I really appreciate how you clarified the difference between basic emotions like sadness and fear versus mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. Let's continue to advocate for awareness, support, and acceptance in every community."
Cordial greetings @yudagi, it is a pleasure to have you visit. I am gratified by your words that show that the language used has been benevolent and conducive to understanding. That is our main purpose when we encourage and promote health, where we can share and socialize knowledge, to be disseminated and multiplied to all areas of our daily lives. It is one way, among many others, to raise awareness about mental pathologies and the people who suffer from them. It is urgent to change paradigms of conceptualization and with it attitudes, which far from benefiting, disfavor the processes. Health and wellness !LUV
@yugadi, @marilour(7/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily
Hi @marilour, I enjoyed the knowledge as you presented it. Thank you for this information and for sharing your experience !LUV !LADY !HUG
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Hello future colleague @almajandra. Thank you for your heartfelt words. You, who are part of the new generations that we are proudly forming, must assume with gallantry and commitment the challenges presented to us by the practice of medicine today, always having the patient's welfare as a north. Let us contribute with our actions and commitments to dismantle abstract and archaic conceptualizations, considerably distant from our purpose, which is to generate health and wellness, applicable to our social fabric. A virtual embrace, health and wellbeing !LADY !LUV !HUG
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My sincere thanks to the @hispapro team for the deference of support. My gratitude, health and wellness !LUV !LOTUS !HUG
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It's a stigma in most parts of the world. I though that when we grew up we would see a different world but that didn't happen in this case.
I agree with this so much. There is so much chaos around us that mental health has become a less prioritize subject.
I enjoyed reading your write-up.
Hello dear @peacefulsoul it is a pleasure your visit and your reflective contributions. My sincere thanks for being part of the socialization, in a topic of collective interest and concern. It is inevitable for all of us to avoid our accelerated daily life, whoever does it will be isolated in a bubble and it is not healthy either, because it would be living in a fictitious and unreal ecosystem. Our reality, and with it society, as it is, is unexpected, confusing, dynamic, and above all unstable. But in spite of this, we can make the right transition by being resilient, loving our families very much, practicing healthy lifestyles, making the most of the benefits of rest and free time, and above all, looking for teaching and learning in the eventuality and the unfavorable. Let's not see situations as problems, because we become negative and weak. Let's take on the challenges and look for the essence. I believe this will generate an indestructible protective shield, reinforced with a high dose of self-esteem. We came into this existence to live our lives, not the lives of others. It has been a pleasure, my gratitude. Health and well-being !LUV !LADY !HUG
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Not seeing situation as a problem but as a scope to learn and grow, this practice can bring a big change to life.
I like your reflections on life; they are deep and meaningful and teach us how to deal with things better. Thanks for sharing the advice. I hope we can learn more and grow as a person.
Thank you very much for your consideration. In this fleeting and short existence, we must give ourselves the opportunity to retake, reorient, or initiate new paths. Paths that will allow us to generate the necessary changes and with it will come the correlate of unlearning, relearning, and learning in the interaction and socialization that gives us the otherness from the alterity. Health and well-being !PIZZA !HUG !HBIT
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