"Campesina"... My #152 Entry To The #Monomad Challenge



Siento que lo fantástico de hacerte auto retratos es que puedes conectar internamente con aquello que te atrae, aquello que te ha gustado siempre, o con aquello que nunca te has atrevido a hacer... Al jugar al protagonista con tu cámara, puedes convertirte en cualquier personaje que desees o que te dicte tu imaginación y eso es satisfactorio, relajante y hasta terapéutico.

Hace unos días atrás mi esposo y yo conversábamos sobre algunos productos preferidos de cuando éramos niños, yo le conté que en casa comprabamos una leche que se llamaba "La Campesina" y hasta una propaganda en la televisión tenía... Cosa que la hacía más familiar. Y desde esa conversa su canción no la podía dejar de tararear. 😁

Entonces me llegó una idea de ésas locas que a veces me llegan y dije... ¿"Y si me hago unas fotos como la campesina de la leche que nos gustaba"? Jeje

Pero me faltó la vaca, el campo, y los Valdes de leche 😁, sin embargo teníamos el espíritu y las flores y eso es lo importante! ;⁠)

Aquí les comparto mi selección de imágenes para mí entrada #152 al desafío #Monomad.

Por cierto... Si eres de Venezuela, ¿Qué cosa de tu niñez recuerdas con ilusión? ❤️‍🩹

I feel that the fantastic thing about taking self-portraits is that you can connect internally with that which attracts you, that which you have always liked, or that which you have never dared to do? By playing the protagonist with your camera, you can become any character you want or that your imagination dictates and that is satisfying, relaxing and even therapeutic.

A few days ago my husband and I were talking about some of our favorite products from when we were kids, I told him that at home we used to buy a milk called "La Campesina" and it even had an advertisement on TV.... Something that made it more familiar. And since that conversation her song I couldn't stop humming it. 😁

Then one of those crazy ideas that sometimes come to me came to me and I said.... "What if I take some pictures of myself as the milk peasant girl we liked"? Hehe

But I missed the cow, the field, and the milk Valdes 😁, however we had the spirit and the flowers and that's what's important! ;)

Here I share with you my selection of images for my #152 entry to the #Monomad challenge.

By the way... If you are from Venezuela, what thing from your childhood do you remember with illusion? ❤️‍🩹



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Rul nice photo graphs Mariana, beautiful, you look beauty & pensive at the same time
