Good son got back home - Coffee time [SPA-ENG]

Coffee represents for many a drink of passion, to involve people, to have long conversations, to sit still enjoying or simply to warm the body on a rainy day, the truth is that it has been one of the most consumed beverages worldwide, this being a reason to join with others with the same interests, the love of coffee.

A place that offers you the experience of a good coffee in a method of preparation different from the conventional methods of filtering that we do at home, deserves all the attention, the coffee in V60 Dripper, which consists of a glass or ceramic base in the form of a funnel with slots in its walls where a paper filter is used on top of this base, the slots have an extraction function to better perceive those acids and oils of the coffee, it is usually a finer grind and can take a little longer in the filtering process.

Having a great variety of coffee in this store, they are a micro business that is dedicated to roasting their own coffee, they roast the coffee weekly to be able to sell the coffee as fresh as possible, not wanting to become a maxi company so as not to lose the quality they have to this day, I assure from my position as a consumer that this coffee has everything that a good coffee should give us.
Apart from coffee there is a long menu where you can try several things based on coffee, more methods of preparation of coffee, chocolate, tea, desserts and of course you can bring your bag.
I am happy with my cup of coffee, with a citric flavor and an incredible aroma, product of the cultivation and a great work behind a coffee bag, where people who love coffee join their knowledge and forces so that we can have a unique and healthy experience with our cup of coffee.
What do you like most about coffee?.
El café representa para muchos una bebida de pasión, de involucrar personas, de tener largas conversaciones, de quedarse quieto disfrutando o simplemente para calentar el cuerpo en un dia lluvioso, lo cierto es que ha sido una de las bebidas mas consumidas en todo el mundo, siendo esta una razón para unirnos con otros con los mismos intereses, el amor al café.

Un lugar que te ofrece la experiencia de un buen café en un método de preparación diferente a los métodos convencionales de filtrado que hacemos en casa, merece toda la atención, el café en V60 Dripper, que consiste en una base de vidrio o cerámica en forma de embudo con ranuras en sus paredes donde se utiliza un filtro de papel encima de esta base, las ranuras tienen una función de extracción para percibir mejor esos ácidos y aceites propios del café, suele ser una molienda mas fina y puede tardar un poco mas en el proceso de filtrado.

Teniendo una gran variedad de café en esta tienda, ellos son una microempresa que se dedica a tostar su propio café, semanalmente hacen tostión de café con la finalidad de vender café lo mas fresco posible, no queriendo convertirse en una maxi empresa para no perder la calidad que llevan hasta el dia de hoy, aseguro desde mi posición de consumidora que este café tiene todo lo que un buen café nos debe brindar.
Aparte de café hay un menu largo donde puedes probar varias cosas a base de café, mas métodos de preparación de café, chocolate, te, postres y claro que puedes llevar tu bolsa de café recién molido o en grano a casa.
Yo feliz con mi taza de café, con un sabor cítrico un aroma increíble, producto del cultivo y de un gran trabajo detrás de una bolsa de café, donde personas que aman el café unen sus conocimientos y fuerzas para que tengamos una experiencia única y saludable con nuestra taza de café.
Que es lo que mas te gusta del café?
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WRITENING: I did it myself / Lo hice yo misma.
PHOTOS: All my property [Iphone 11] / Todo de mi propiedad [Iphone 11]
TRANSLATE: Translator DeepL
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Creo que en muchos lugares se está innovando con el café, ya no sólo es una bebida. A mi del café me encanta su aroma, genial. Saludos.
El café es una magia, ahora se ha convertido hasta el compañero de trabajo deseado y es todo un arte por conocer! 💚
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It's great to see you stop by. Here's a coffee on the house.
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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗
Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.
I love these kinds of small businesses, though to be fair, for a small business it looks very classy. Seems like a good place to celebrate a loved one's return!
It is really good, I also connect with the people who made the coffee, they do a great and friendly explanation and try to give better for clients. It is so comfortable being there!