Today's blog: a fun start to the weekend, enjoying a shopping

Hi dear hivers, I hope you are feeling great, today I want to share some moments captured from part of my afternoon, we went shopping with my family, the first goal was to go to a pharmacy, to Farmatodo to be specific because we had to make the replacement of some vitamins and some products of my facial cleansing, but before going for it we went through traki, in the first instance we were only going to see some household things, like containers or viands, but well we arrived we started to go up to the other floors and one thing led to another, after noticing that there was a space with clothes on sale I couldn't resist to try on some clothes, I was very excited with the flowery clothes, I think I have adopted a lot this printed style in my way of dressing lately, I had several changes of clothes, I ended up taking the dress with roses and the dark blouse with small flowers, I was satisfied with the shopping, after finishing paying at traki, we went to farmatodo and got what we needed, we went briefly to Mas x Menos where we bought to make dinner and some delicious desserts among them this chocolate, cinnamon and peanut cake, yes it was delicious.
Hola queridos hivers, espero se encuentren genial, hoy quiero compartir algunos momentos capturados de parte de mi tarde, fuimos de compras en familia, el primer objetivo era ir a una farmacia, a Farmatodo para ser especifica ya que debíamos hacer la reposición de algunas vitaminas y algunos productos de mi limpieza facial, pero antes de ir por ello pasamos por traki, en primera instancia solo íbamos a ver algunas cosas del hogar, como recipientes o viandas, pero bien llegamos comenzamos a subir a los demás pisos y una cosa llevó a la otra, después de notar que había un espacio de ropa en rebaja no me pude aguantar a probarme algunas prendas, me entusiasmé mucho con la ropa floreada, creo que he adoptado un montón este estilo estampado en mi forma de vestir últimamente, tuve varios cambios de ropa, me terminé llevando el vestido de rosas y la blusa oscura con pequeñas flores, estuve satisfecha con las compras, después de terminar de pagar en traki, fuimos a farmatodo y conseguimos lo que necesitábamos, pasamos brevemente por Mas x Menos donde compramos para hacer la cena y unos deliciosos postres entre ellos esta torta de chocolate, canela y maní, sí que estaba delicioso.
The afternoon flew by and I enjoyed looking around the home and trying on clothes, it was interesting to try on different styles and get out of my comfort zone.
La tarde se fue volando disfruté un montón de ver las cosas del hogar y probarme ropa, fue interesante probarme diferentes estilos y salir de mi zona de confort.
• Photos taken of a galaxy A54.
• Traductor/translator: DeepL.
• Collage Editor: Samsung Galaxy editor and Canva.
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