King of the Bucket — A PowerHouseCreatives Contest Entry


Greetings, friends!

Here comes my second ever and first-day result of me trying The Most Dangerous Writing App

It is an entry for The Power House Creatives Contest and the weekly prompt was a five-minute free-write in that app on one of a few topics. I chose:

Cross an item off your bucket list by doing it in your writing.

Of all the items ever bucketlisted, there's a king, as hoigh and mighty as they go. The king of items on all bucket lists, big and small, mine or others' clean or not.

It was the Clean My Room, III of his name...for today. Because he was but a descendant of kings of items and good intentions of mothers from noble purposes...I mean families.

And he demanded kingly attention. As all kings do but...Well, he was born in modern age.

Where people give less and less of the things that they don't give and you know well but are not appropriate to speak of in front of civilized crowds or small groups.

And so didn't I. The king felt lonely, even though he never was alone. Down on the bottom of that bucket, as unthronely as that hint of bottoms might his realm describe, he was never, ever, really alone. But the rest were not courtiers, nor admirers, nor even foreign visitors who felt obliged to bring presents, pay respects, bow their torsos, or anything like that. The rest were, of course, competitors. For his throne.

And so, anytime the one true follower he ever had (that would be my humble person, the bearer of the royal bucket, so to speak), and I was the only one who would ever pay respects. Unless I forgot. Or I had an incling to respect another king that day. And the following day. And days after days until Kingdom Come.

Well, would a bow be enough and could I just leave the king reigning for a while, up on his throne, down in my bucket? Seems suitable.

Pay homage, that is what I do. But never completely satisfy. Never go to war for my king.

I only respect him by speaking his name, making a gesture, bringing a gift by taking things away — the greatest kind of gift a king of cleaning rooms could receive.

The list grows longer, the king remains in the background, curtains fall, my room remains... be continued. As it always does.

The E

Did I break the app? Maybe my time ran out, and I dod not die, and it stopped working as expected when I quit writing... Hardcore mode to be tested next time.

Anyway, peace!



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good story but did I just misunderstood the meaning? The story stated that the person didn't respect his name, only his position that he called this king, a king?

Posted using Partiko Android


I have the same question about the app - how do you know when the time is up? I set my own timer too so I could have some idea of how much time I had left.


I feel a friendly shrug is quite in place here. Cheers!


To me, this is a great story revealing there's a bit of absurdity in the whole bucket list idea, and how one goes about determining which one is at the top of the list; the most important one.

On the app, I clicked on the link on the right that said to start writing. It's already set for the 5 minute limit, and then after you start, if you stop typing for more than a couple seconds the text changes color to purple, fades out and kicks you out.

It automatically stopped at 5 minutes for me and I think a "stop writing" message came up on my successful attempt. I failed on the first try.



Thanks for your comment.

I think that Stop Writing did not come out in this case. I did not track minutes but it felt long enough to be over five for sure. So I just stopped.


Nice! Always gotta wonder who own who with a bucket list; do you own it, or does it own you?


Hello @manoldonchev, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!
