We have to try to learn more and try to know


Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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We think that we know a lot but when we think, or check, we realize that we don't know a lot, we may know a lot about a subject but there are many things that are beyond our knowledge, what I know may be No one else knows, and I may not know what anyone else knows.

Therefore one should never boast of one's knowledge, and one should never belittle another, if we think someone is small, we will see that he is much bigger than me, and he knows much more than me, to always feel small. Will, and try to learn from everywhere. If we try to learn, our knowledge will increase.

Sometimes we think other people are small, but later we find out that he was much bigger than us. As I saw a video a few days ago, in that video, an old man wearing dirty and cheap clothes comes to a restaurant, the manager of the restaurant does not allow him to enter there, he enters the restaurant by chance.

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The manager then gets angry with him, wants to throw him out of the restaurant, does not give him any food, meanwhile the owner of the restaurant comes, and goes to the old man and addresses him as father. The manager is surprised to see this, then the manager realizes that no one should be judged by clothes, just wearing expensive clothes does not make you a real man.

For this we should all always do good, and respect all men, not considering what we know to be perfect, for there are many wiser men than I in this world. To be wise one must be eager to learn and know. The more we learn and know, the more our knowledge grows.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.
