People protest for different reasons

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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We see different movements at different times, sometimes movement due to increase in price of goods, sometimes movement due to own job, sometimes movement due to political reasons, each time people are moving on different issues, this movement has many history, some have become famous by movement, Some have sacrificed themselves while doing the movement.

All those who agitate want to realize their demands, some movements are very small, few people participate in that movement, not much benefit is gained from that movement, the movement in which there are few people, the movement ends in a short time, the agitators Later the movement left.

And there are some movements in which people from all walks of life participate, and have the support of all people, although few people cannot support that movement, because if they support that movement, their crimes will be exposed, their illegal privileges will be stopped, This type of movement is supported by all but a few people.

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The stronger the movement, the faster the demands of the movement are implemented, the demands of the agitators are forced to be accepted, because this movement is for the benefit of the people, when the demands of the movement are met, all people benefit, and when such a movement starts, everyone is very happy. Although there are few people in this type of movement at first, but later on, people increase a lot in these movements.

Many such movements have started a few days ago, students of various schools, colleges, universities have started this movement, the main demand of the movement is that quota should be abolished from all levels of Bangladesh, due to quota many talented people are neglected, and due to quota many unqualified people. get responsibility

Once before this type of movement started, the demands of the agitators were accepted by the government, and the quota system was scrapped, but the system was reintroduced, due to which the students started this movement. This movement has the support of all but a few people. Accepting the demands of this movement will benefit all people.

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Thanks everyone for reading my post today.

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